Chapter 1: The Time Warp Warrior

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     I am Elizabeth Grace Leprins and I know more than I can handle. When I was only 16 years old, I was stuck on an endless time warp. Life, time and scenery all stayed the same around me... but I was concious of my being... Every time my life would start over, I would groan. Time after time after time I sat through that same day like it was a chore... Then, one day, I decided it had to stop. I had to find a way out, a clever loophole in my endless misery that would allow me to live the next day. I tried to explain my predicament to Marie, my only true friend in the world, but it seemed impossible. Every day I would tell her my story and every day she wouldn't believe me. Here is my story.

     "Wake up Elizabeth. It is high time for you to be at the library for your shift. Miss Madonne has been waiting for you for over an hour!" Comes the strict voice of my obstinant mother attempting to awaken me before the sunrise. She was rather corpulent as was the style in this day and she boxed my ears at least thrice daily. Ever since my father died, she has acted harshly towards me and overwhelming me with chores and no education.

     "Mother!" I reply annoyed with her stubborn tone, "I do not have to be at the library until sunrise! It is but the fifth hour of the day!" I slumped out of bed and into my ridiculous dress which I was required to wear at the library. The year is 1826 and I am probably the poorest lady in all of London. That is an exaggeration for the record, I currently hold 1 shiling to my name and will be earning another one today when I work at the library. 

     In order to work at the library I have to wear a maroon dress with a low neck and long trim. It does not fit due to the fact that I am so thin. Most women to this day are praised for their corpulence as it signifies the fact that they eat well; however, I eat but once a day and am teased daily for my scrawny figure.

     I once again pinned the dress so it didn't fall to my waist and headed out the door. I still had exactly seven and a quarter minutes until sunrise ( I know this because I have waited one day to see exactly how long it takes from the time my mother forces me out the door until sunrise). I walk ever so slowly through town recalling every event that occurs between my stroll. 

     I walk over to the produce stand just in time to catch a falling pail of carrots for Missus Maline and she shows gratitude to me by handing me an apple. I smile and run to under the awning by Mister Broche's carpentry stand and tell him of a theiving scoundrel hiding under his table and taking his wares. He thanks me with a tip of his hat and I walk on. By now I have six minutes precisely to arrive at the library which is in eyeshot by now. Quickly, I take one step to the right, avoiding the "water" pouring from the roof above. Miss Cramme's servant who rather dislikes me was aiming for me in spite as I passed. 

     "Sorry, Hilda," I shout up to her, "You'll have to be faster tomorrow." Ah, tomorrow, a fate I do dream I could meet. I wonder, is there even an Elizabeth Grace Leprin tomorrow, or do I stay here forever? Does my mother see me tomorrow or does she search for me, heartbroken that her precious servant of a daughter is missing? Hilda sneers now and attempts to make a gesture towards me out of the window but I warn her that her mistress is coming and she quickly looks busy. 

     I now pass Marie and exchange great tidings with her as she tells me of the dance she will be attending tomorrow. The first time she told me about how amazing it was going to be, I cried. I was going to be there! I was going to have all the fun. But now, stuck on endless loop, I could not. She would have the time of her life and not me. I congratulate her of finding the perfect dress and carry on my stroll.

     I now arrive at the library and continue with my boring routine of copying works from authors before my time so our library can have them on record. 

     "Elizabeth!" Miss Madonne scolds, "Your handwriting is sloppy. Take time to write your letters, our readers would like to be able to comprehend our books, not have to decifer them!"

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