...Over Donuts & Coffee

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By the time I make it down to the dining car for Breakfast there's no doubt I was late. Instead of sitting down at tables, everyone is standing around talking when I get there. I catch Maxwell's eye first and he hurries over to my side.

"Where's Drake?" He whispers.

I shrug, "I don't know. Probably getting dressed." 

At the sound of my voice, Madeleine turns away from her conversation with Liam and scowls at me. "Well if it isn't Little Miss Casual. It took you this long to come down for Breakfast and that's all you could come up with?"

I glance down at my t-shirt and blue jeans, "Sorry, I didn't know having Breakfast on a train required a certain dress code."

"You're on a Royal Engagement tour, not some college road trip. Do you have no sense of decorum? If you're going to continue travelling around with the Royal Court, I expect a little more effort. Honestly, I don't know what Liam or the Beaumont's see in you. As if the scandal that's following you around wasn't trashy enough."

Her words stung, but before I could come up with a reply, Maxwell was wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me away. "Don't listen to her, Little Blossom, you're beautiful in whatever you're wearing."

Madeleine rolls her eyes and tucks her hand into Liam's elbow, "Come, Sweetheart. I want you to help me choose the best ensemble for Regina's tea party this afternoon. As the Queen to be, I don't want to be upstaged by anyone."

Liam glances my way with a look of sadness, and then turns his attention back to Madeleine, forcing a smile. "Nonsense, I'm sure whatever you choose to wear, you'll be a vision to behold."

Kiara and Penelope follow them out as they leave, whispering amongst themselves and not bothering to acknowledge me. I stare at their backs and feel even more removed from their world. 

Hana's cheerful voice breaks through my feelings of embarrassment, and I relax a little. "Don't worry, Kate. Between Maxwell and I we'll make sure you fit in beautifully at the tea party today."

"Thanks Hana, I appreciate your never ending kindness. You make being at court with Madeleine more tolerable."

"What did I miss?" Drake asks as he joins us in the dining car. 

I turn to him and smirk sarcastically, "Besides my literal dressing down by Madeleine, followed by watching her lead poor Liam out of here like a puppy on a leash?"

Drake looks relieved as he slides into one of the booths and picks up the menu card, "Phew, dodged that bullet this morning. What's for Breakfast?"

Maxwell makes a deliberate motion to prevent me from sitting beside Drake by putting himself into the booth beside him. Drake rolls his eyes, and then turns back to looking at the menu. As I slide into the booth across from Drake, I see Maxwell wince at something Drake has done to him under the table.

I shoot Drake a warning glance, and then he sighs and shifts closer to the window to give Maxwell more space. Hana seems to miss all of this as she sits down next to me. She smiles and addresses Drake across the table.

"Are you coming to the tea party this afternoon Drake?"

He scoffs, "Fancy finger sandwiches, pretty little cakes, and dainty cups of tea? I'll pass."

"The whole Royal Court will be there, including Kate." Maxwell adds.

Drake looks at me from across the table, "Do I have to dress up?"

Maxwell answers, "Not really. It's entirely up to you."

"I guess if Darling has to go, I better go too." He sighs. "It's not like I had anything better to do this afternoon. What time is the party?”

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