When a miracle happens

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"Minji, Minji..." I could hear Wonchul calling my name in his usual sleepy voice.I sighed, it was 7 am, he should still be asleep. I still placed my bag down and made my way into his room.

"Good morning sunshine, what is it..?" I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed, my eyes glancing at the clock. I was going to be late, I knew that already.

"Can you take me with you when you go work..?" He asked as he rubbed his tired eyes and smiled so damn cutely at me. I could only chuckle and nod, before kissing his forehead.

"Just remember to behave as always, okay?" I didn't exactly need to remind him, but it had come a habit.

"Of course" Wonchul cheered, hugging me as tight as he could. I juste smiled and hugged him back, soothing his hair softly.

"Be a good boy at school today, okay Heechul?" I told him, and my heart warmwd as he nodded with slight shyness. I loved my ELF baby, and he loved being called Heechul.

I swear- his existence is brighter than my future... I mean, that doesn't take much, but either way. REALLY bright.

"Minho will come in a few, would you prefer me to wait..?" I asked him, really hating to leave him alone for any time.

"NONONONONO!" Wonchul exclaimed in a split second "You can't be late again" He told me, pushing me away towards the door, probably knowing I was already in a hurry. Or maybe he just had something cool with my brother.

I chuckled at him yet again, and placed one last smooch onto his forehead. "bye then" I smiled at him leaving his room.

- - - - - - - - - >

Thank the heaven's and god of time if there is one. I made it in time! And a few of my class mates must've noticed, because some sarcastic claps could be heard as I cheered to myself making my way to my locker.

And what do ya know, my day just got even luckier! Hoseok was waiting for me. He was the only person I would really consider my friend, let alone a best friend.

"I had a feeling" He told me first thing, which I just laughed at.

"Oh shut your bitch ass" I smiled, smacking his arm lightly "Of course you did! I'm never late!"

"Excwpt... "5 days out of a month... February..." Hoseok teased me, but I couldn't be mad due to his bright ass smile. A sunshine I tell you.

"Well, I'll go now. We'll see after class" Hoseok grinned and waved as he ran off. I only waved back at him before starting my walk towards my class.

Oh... reader, may I introduce myself..? I'm Minji, Choi Minji, I turned 20 last September. I'm a student, and I work my ass off after school to take care of my kinda step brother. I work at a cafe, and I sell art. It's stable enough for us. Of course, I'm not the only kid my mom birthed, I have a brother, Minho. We have the usual love-hate relationship siblings do.

As I walked into my class, I could immediately hear the giggles of the girls, gossiping of some of them, boys talking about butts... You name it.

I took my seat in the middle of these four boys who I'd known since preschool. They were chatting about butts, as I said. And about who in this class had the best one. I was... already tired of them and just mumbled "Aren't tits better anyway...", which... actually left them quiet.

I focused on the teacher after that, and realized in pure terror. This was English...

I couldn't understand much at all, but the stack of papers told me just enough of what we were doing.

It was my time to get the lowest score again...

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