In Love with the Other Miya

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Suna Rintaro was about to do something that he definitely did not regret in the moment and definitely would not remember in the morning.

He'd known the other for as long as he could recall, which, to be fair, wasn't very far back in his current drunken state, and though some may find their relationship unconventional, he wanted him to know once and for all, exactly how he felt about him. How much he cared for him. How much he loved him. How much he was in love with Osamu.

Suna stumbled through the crowded room, drink in hand, forcing his way through the sweaty bodies dancing and grinding on one another. How many drinks in was he? Six? Maybe seven? Whatever the number, it was definitely enough to have him completely wasted. Of course, this was nothing new for him, just another dumb college party with a bunch of other dumb college students making dumb decisions on a Thursday night. Getting up for classes in the morning was going to be an absolute bitch. That is, if he decided to go at all.

The lighting wasn't much more than a low glow, just barely illuminating the surrounding area, and the music was loud, blaring the voice of The Weekend ironically singing about "Blinding Lights" through multiple speakers. The scents infiltrating his nose ranged from cheap perfume to marijuana to vomit. It was all very disorienting and Suna was finding it increasingly difficult to even stay standing...of which he ultimately failed.

He laid on his back on the sticky floor (he really didn't want to know what was making it sticky, and it was probably for the best that he never would) and simply laughed before closing his eyes and allowing himself to succumb to his exhaustion. It didn't last long though, as he was being pulled up, rather forcefully, just a few minutes later. He opened his eyes and smiled, recognizing the face instantly.

"Jumst who I waahs loomking fur," Suna's words slurred as they left his mouth, but he had never felt more confident. The alcohol in his system was living up to the nickname of 'liquid courage.'

"Oh my god, why were you on the fucking floor?" the other sighed as he held Suna up, placing an arm around his shoulders for support.

"Was lo-ooking for you."

"On the floor?"


"O-kaaaaay," the other drew out his words as he started to move them in the direction of the exit. "Let's just go home before you end up, I dunno, dying or something."

"No!" Suna suddenly demanded, planting his feet tight to the floor.

"Excuse me? No?"

"Noo becus I need t' te-el you sommthin," he slurred and grabbed the other's face tightly with both of his hands and stared deep into his eyes.


More silence

"Uh, Suna, are you oka-"

"Shhhhh," Suna placed his index finger on the other man's mouth to shush him, dragging it down slowly. "Let me speeeak."

"Oh god, I'm taking you home."

"I love you," Suna finally declared, making the other whip his head around so quickly it looked like it might detach from the rest of his body.

"I-you-what?" The other stared and blinked his eyes a few times before shaking his head and continuing. "Yeah, I love you too buddy," he patted Suna on the back, "We're friends after all."

"No, I mean yuss, but it'sss more than tha-at," Suna hiccupped and giggled. "Miya," he stared at the other again, making sure he held his attention, "I'mm in love with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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