30- It doesn't stop

427 15 24

~Third Person POV~

Finally, 5 days after the fire and collapse of the Gakuen Tower, today is Y/n's funeral. No one was prepared. Not a single soul. 

"Daichi I don't think I can do it." "I know right now it feels like you can't, but if you don't go, you'll never get the chance to say goodbye." 

Kōshi looked at himself in the mirror and heard Y/n's voice. "Your tie isn't straight" Her laugh echoed in his mind. He exhaled as he straightened his tie, which was in fact crooked. 

"Do you have your speech prepared?" Kōshi grabbed the paper from the dresser and slipped it in his pocket. 

The two walked downstairs and joined the rest of the volleyball team who was waiting in Mrs. Akaashi's living room. 

"I CAN'T HANDLE IT" "YES YOU CAN" "I COULDN'T PROTECT HER! I WAS- I was supposed to protect her..." Everyone who was waiting closed their eyes as they tried not to feel it. But Keiji's pain was too strong.

Keiji sobbed into Bokuto's shoulder while they stood alone in the kitchen.  "Akaashi. It's time to go. We don't wanna be late" Bokuto slipped his hand in his best friends and interlaced their fingers. 

"Y/n was an inspiration to each and every one of us

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"Y/n was an inspiration to each and every one of us. She was unlike anyone else. She was quiet and kind but she saw the beauty in the little things." 

A black and blue butterfly landed on her casket as the funeral officiant continued to speak. 

"Let's take a moment of silence" 

After the very uncomfortable silence, it was Keiji's turn to speak. "Bokuto..." The owl boy gave his boyfriend's hand a squeeze as he nodded his head gently. 

"When we lose, someone." His voice was already cracking and he tried to push back the tears.

 "When someone dies, they're gone. There is nothing that we can do to fill that void in our hearts. Y/n wasn't meant to be caged. She wasn't meant for this world. She was meant for love and fairytales. She was a story. And a beautiful one at that."

Keiji wiped away a tear as he looked up at the sky. 

"My sister, was the best person I ever knew. She was like a feather in the wind. Soft and light. Pretty and peaceful. She was free. She did everything for me, even though it felt like I was doing everything for her. She-" 

Keiji started to break down and couldn't take it anymore. "Please come back!" Bokuto ran over to him and carefully brought him back to his seat. 

Kōshi was up next. As he stood in front of everyone he saw that familiar black hair. Y/n looked up from her book and her metal blue eyes locked with his hazel eyes. She gave him a soft smile as she looked at him. 

Some could argue it was a figment of his imagination while others could argue that she was there in spirit.

He opened the piece of paper and stared at it blankly. He looked back up at Y/n and could hear what she was saying. "Speak from your heart~"

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