Hanji X Levi One-shot

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The sun was high in the sky as the Survey Corps galloped at full speed across the bare land (save for a few trees dotting the terrain here and there).The mission for today was more of a training lesson than anything; two people needed to pair up and take down at least two titans before returning to the base camp for lunch. Upon reaching the destination for this mission, a fairly large cluster of trees that reached up to the sky, the large group split off into their designated pairs and went off in search of the enemy.

"Alright, where are ya, you big mindless lugs?! I'm sure at least one of you hidden bastards would love to come with me!" shouted a certain, overly eccentric brunette. Hanji eagerly looked around (with that look in her eye) for any possible new test subjects. An exasperated sigh could be clearly heard adjacent to the hyper girl, Levi sped his horse up to align with Hanji's.  "Oi, you're not getting any new pets to experiment on today..." She turned her head to look at the smaller Captain (or Lance Corporal) and attempted to protest, "But, Levi, this could be--" "No...our objective is to kill titans before returning to base," Levi firmly dead panned in response. Hanji puffed out her cheeks like a child and muttered to herself, "It's not like one specimen would hurt anything..." "What was that?" Levi asked. The brunette straightened herself up and said (in a sing song voice), "Oooooh nothing, nothing at all, Captain~!" The shorter man just rolled his eyes and averted his attention back to their task.

All of a sudden, a giant humanoid creature came crashing through the trees to the right of the two. It was swinging it's bare arms back and forth, running straight toward Hanji and Levi. "Damn, a twelve meter, and it just HAD to be an abnormal on top of that," Captain Levi growled in frustration. However, Hanji had already begun to approach the abnormal titan and giggled, " Oh-ho~ Aren't you a handsome thing~! Why don't you come with me?" With that, she engaged her 3d maneuver gear; both hooked hooked chords attached themselves to a nearby tree trunk, and  carried the crazed girl up to the nearest branch. Upon landing, Hanji withdrew both of her blades and prepared to restrain, but not kill, the titan.

"What do you think you're doing, you idiot?!" Levi yelled up to Hanji, as he was still riding on horseback. "He's gonna come home with me, of course! " she replied with a laugh. The brunette directed her attention to the titan and waved her hands while shouting, "Hey! Come over here~!" It turned its humanoid head towards her, its mouth forever frozen into a wide, almost sadistic, grin. "Yeah, yeah! 'Atta boy!!" she continued to coax the titan towards her, having purposely stood on one of the lower branches so she would be at eye level with it. Anyone in their right mind would have gotten to a higher branch to stay out of reach, but not Hanji, she was as insane as they come.

Meanwhile, Levi watched the whole thing from the ground. "Hanji! Get your ass away from that damn bastard before you get eaten!" he screamed up to her. Her eyes momentarily looked down at him, "Like hell I would, not when I'm so close to getting an excellent specimen with SO much potential!" While her attention was focused on Levi, the titan closed the distance between itself and her. Without hesitation, it lunged, mouth wide open, at the brunette, aiming to eat her. Hanji whipped her head around and stood frozen to the spot, eyes wide with fear shining clearly in them. She instinctively closed her eyes tight shut, glued to the spot, waiting for her end to come; however, moments passed but the end never did come. Hanji opened one eye cautiously to see what was going on.

"Ahh, disgusting," Levi grimaced (while perched on a nearby branch) at the blood covering his blades and hands. He then proceeded to clean them off with a cloth that he carried with him. A putrid smell filled the air as smoke rose from the rapidly decaying corpse of the titan. Hanji looked down to the ground and gave a loud wail of distress, "NO! That was going to be the next test subject!!" While she was in her own state of remorse, Levi finished cleaning his bloodied blades, then approached the depressed brunette. Hanji's eyes widen in surprise when Levi grabbed her firmly by the front of her Survey Corps jacket, drawing her face close to his. A look of cold, yet calm, rage was clearly written all over the Captain's face (thanks to that little stunt Hanji had pulled). "Are you a dumb ass, or what?!" he said somewhat aggressively into her face, his already cold eyes hardened into a glare as he stared back at her. At a loss for words at the moment, Hanji stuttered, "B-but I-I-I..." "If it wasn't for me saving your sorry ass, you wouldn't even be alive right now!" he said. "Well I'm still here aren't I?" Hanji attempted to joke, but it didn't go as planned. "That's not the point! You almost DIED! I-I can't lose you, too..." Levi's voice trailed off and had cracked a little at the end of the sentence. He turned his eyes to look at the ground, and his short hair cast a shadow over his face. He loosened his grip on her jacket and let his arms hang down to their sides.

"Lose me, too...?" the brunette asked, confusion clearly lacing the edges of her voice. Levi didn't reply, rather he just stood there in the same position. An awkward silence folded out between the two for a while, but Hanji broke it by saying, "I'm gonna go look for our horses..." She turned around, brown ponytail swishing with the direction of her head, and prepared her gear to launch herself to another tree. "Petra..." She heard Levi whisper the name under his breath. "What?" Hanji questioned while turning around to face her partner. He muttered, "I can't lose you like I did Petra...too many people have been taken from me." "I understand what you mean, but why are you so concerned for me?" the brunette asked a little uncertainly. The shorter man turned his head away and muttered something which prompted her to ask, "What did you say? I didn't hear you." He looked at her and said in all seriousness,  "I'm concerned because I care...about you..." "Sooooo, care as in you like me?" she asked, head cocked to the side. "Yea..." he said. "You mean like-like me?" Hanji pressed on. "Yea..." Levi repeated. "Are you serious?" she continued. "FOR WALL MARIA'S SAKE, YES!" shouted the Captain, the brunette getting on his last nerve.

"YAHOOOOO~~!" Hanji shouted as she forcefully glomped Levi. "Get off of me, you dumb ass woman!!" he protested rather loudly. However, she continued the hug for quite a long time, and with each passing moment, Levi grew more and more agitated, until he finally snapped. "Get OFF!" he growled. "Fiiiine~" Hanji let go of him and, in her state of overly hyper excitment, launched her 3d maneuver gear and flew to another tree. While approaching the tree, she shouted as loud as she could, "I LOVE CAPTAIN  LEVI, TOOOOO~!" The Captain gave a loud sigh of frustration as he followed her. 'What am I going to do with her...?' Levi thought as he sought out their next titan to kill.

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