the beginning

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„Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked while I paniced.
„Shhh" he said while pressing his finger on my trembling mouth, „You are coming with me just be prepared for what will happen."

After that I don't really remember anything, just how he grabbed me by my waist and it felt like he jumped into another dimension, but this isn't possible right? Wrong.

Now I am laying here on this squeky, uncomfortable bed in a dark room where it smells like something is rotten.

I am just looking around here, of course I am terified, I mean you don't get kidnapped by a hot evil looking teenager everyday, but I guess the luck is on my side.

„Looks like you already got comfortable in your new room, kinda cool right? I like this all black look!" „Aaaa" I screamed frightened cause I really didn't expect someone to be here with me. But then I saw him. He sat in a as comfortable looking chair as my bed. Only now I realised my arms and legs were tied up so I couldn't move. „Please let me go. I don't know who you are or what you want from me but I am not the one you want!" „Oh, I think you are exactly the one I want." and again that big evil smile.

Hey I would be really grateful if you would give me feedback to this!! 🤍

„Why aren't you scared of me?"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum