Chapter 4

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"Can't we just treat today as any other Saturday?" Charlie grumbled as Reba cooked him breakfast at the stove.

"Sure we can, honey." She said in a fake sympathetic tone as she turned off the burner on the stove.

"I just don't get this whole Valentine's Day deal crap. I mean who comes up with this garbage anyways?" He asked flipping through all the Valentine's Day ads in the newspaper.

Reba shrugged flipping the scrambled eggs onto his plate, along with the bacon and toasts she had made for him.

"I don't know, but don't ruin today." She said sitting the plate in front of him.

"Reba." He groaned, holding up the piece of toast she had cut into a heart shape.

"Oh come on Charlie! Today's supposed to be a day to show love for the people you love."

He shook his head biting into the toast. "I just don't get it."

Reba rolled her eyes.

"We didn't expect you too."

"Get me some salt." He said taking a bite of his eggs.

"You have two feet." She said sarcastically getting some food for herself.

"I thought today was a day to show love for the people you love?" He said mocking her.

"Well you haven't showed me any love yet today!" She said slamming the salt shaker in front of him.

"You haven't given me a chance too."

"I didn't have too, I know you're not going to. You're gonna be nothin but a mean ole' man today."

"I don't see the point of havin to make a big deal out of somethin we do everyday. We're married, we don't need some stupid holiday to remind us."

"We don't have to make a big deal out of it. Let's just have a little fun. We're always so busy, when's the last time we got to do somethin nice for each other?"

"Reba I provide a salary. That's nice enough."

"Well I do too!"

"See, we're already nice to each other."

Reba frowned, resting her chin her hand as she watched him scarf down his food. "Can we at least go out to a nice restaurant or somethin?"

"A snowball's chance in hell." He grunted out with a full mouth, not tearing his eyes away from the paper. "Every place in town is goin to be packed wall to wall with couples."

"Well then how about a romantic dinner here? Right at home."

"You cookin?"

She sighed in disappointment, standing up and taking her plate. "Just forget it." She dumped her dish in the sink, no longer hungry. She grabbed her mug, heading for the front porch.


"Yeah?" She looked back at him hopefully.

"Have you started the laundry yet?"


Reba wrapped her arms around herself, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited in line at the pick counter. Her entire day had consisted of chores and Charlie screaming at a television set drinking beer. How romantic.

And now her she was, picking up Chinese food on Valentine's Day. She sighed, stepping forward when it was finally her turn. Charlie was right, every restaurant in town seemed to be packed. "Hey Reba." The cashier smiled.

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