Chapter 3 - Unsettled Tension

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[1st Person POV]


I turn to face the seemingly angered Mage, slight worry racing through my mind. I unconsciously picked at the bandages wrapped around my palms.

"I apologise, but I'm unsure what you mean by-"

"Is that so?"

Himiko cut me off, sitting up in her chair. I went to speak before Himiko then rose from her seat, advancing towards me.

"Ever since you've been back here, you keep glancing over at me. Is there a problem?"

The mage repeated her original statement again, this time with more emphasis. My throat went dry, cautious as to what her intentions were.

"Ah- well no-"

"Then cut it out."

The mage glared once more into my eyes, before abruptly turning away and exiting the dining hall. Tenko stared at myself and Gonta blankly before quickly trailing behind Himiko like a lost puppy.

"Himiko! Wait for me!!"

And with that she disappeared. I gave a half relived sigh as the two left, rubbing my fingers on my forehead.

"Is Kiyo okay?"

I jolted slightly at the sound of Gonta's voice behind me, almost forgetting he was there altogether. His expression and tone seemed concerned. I turned to him.

"I'm fine- That encounter was.. fairly nerving to say the least.."

Gonta gave a nod in agreement, looking down at his hands as the two of us falling into an awkward silence. I glanced back at the Entomologist after a brief moment.

"Perhaps we should leave now seeing as we the only ones here-"

Gonta seemed to snap out of his light daze as his face lightened into a smile.

"Okay! Where would Kiyo like to go?"

All the tension seemed to disappear when we left the dining hall, walking side by side down the halls.

"Hm.. well, seeing as you only woke this morning, how about we go explore the campus? I haven't explored much myself so perhaps this could be a shared experience."

Gonta nodded his head happily. That golden glow that I had grown familiar to had returned. I suddenly snapped out of my daze as I found myself staring at the Entomologist as we came to the exit of the school.

[To be continued in chapter 4]




(I apologise for how short this chapter is! I'll try my best to update with the next chapter when I can :) )


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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