#16 - How You Met

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Beau - He was you big brothers collage roommate, he was invited to stay during the summer at first use didn't get along but when your ex boyfriend cheated on you with your bestfriend he comforted you, slowly you fell in love with him, then on your 18th birthday he asked you to be his girlfriend you of course you said yes, you have been going out ever since.

Jai - A new transfer student got placed in your class, the teacher gave him the seat directly behind yours. During class he tapped on your shoulder and asked for a pencil, when he first came in you didn't realise how big his eyes were, you got flustered and gave him ur only pencil, when you realised you mental face palmed 'fuck' you went through the class not writing anything.
When the teacher notices and asks why you haven't been taking notes, you swallow and say u didn't have a pencil, from behind you hear a faint laugh that makes you slouch down in your seat and your face to go bright red from complete embarrassment.

Luke - he was one of you best friends, you liked him in more that a friendly way and he felt the same way, but he is dating you best friend (BFF's/n) you've known each other since the start of school and she know about your crush on him but she also like him.
You told her you were fine with it and to go for it, on Saturday night use we're going to a party at a friends house, Luke and (BFF's/n) were meeting you there, you got there and saw (BBF's/n) kissing another boy, you stormed up to her and asked what she was doing, she explained that her and Luke broke up before the party, you ask her why and she said that he was in love with you.
You were so happy that he felt the same way you go looking for him and run into the a hard chest that belonged to Luke, he notices you and says he needs to talk to you but before he could finish you lean up and kiss him, the whisper to him that you feel the same way.
(Sorry Luke's was so long 😂)

James - He was working in Starbucks, you and your best friend (BFF's/n) entered the shop. You told (BFF's/n) it was your treat and when to the counter all ready knowing what she wanted.
A boy with short black hair and biggest smile, with his dimple pierced appeared in font of you, "what can I get you" he looked at you and smiled brightly showing his pearly white teeth, "one caramel frappuccino and one umm....." you were never good at deciding what you wanted so you said the first thing that came to your mind, "one coffee" You internally screamed 'I don't even like coffee'.
He brought you back to reality "That will be £5.20" you handed him the money "what's the name with that" "oh (Y/N).
10 minutes later your name was called, the cups were on the counter, the boy turned to you, smiled and waved you picked up the cups confused and turned around to you best friend and left the shop, you handed her the drink and looked down at your own, there scribbled in black sharpie was "You don't look like a coffee girl - James" taking a sip of the drink you realised it was 'Cookie Crumble Frappuccino' you smiled.

Daniel - you and your friend when to the mall for some shopping, you were coming out of 'forever 21' when a baby flew of of nowhere and hit you, you screamed and dropped your bags picking up the baby.
That's When you realised that it was fake you let out another scream, you looked at your friend to see she was laughing, confused u heard more laughing Turing around you saw aground of boys all laughing, right at the back of the group stood a boy with dirty blond hair.
The way he laughed made you smile, one of the boys spoke "OMG your face was priceless, James we need to put that on repeat" really confused you spoke "wait you got that on camera, wait forget that it's not even important, who are you guys" the boys all turned and smiled to one another "Hey guys!, We're the Janoskins and this is baby Annabelle" the boy with dirty blond hair came forward "yours was the best reaction all day" you giggled "glad my uttermost fear amused you" he smiled at you "well I'm glad we got it on camera now the whole world can see you beautiful face" you blushed, "hey Daniel, why don't you get her number" " shut up beau" Daniel's face became deep red, "okay it's time to go" Daniel said grabbing the boy you knew as beau and leaving the rest waved and followed behind them, Daniel's head turned slightly and he winked and continued walking.

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