Newt x Reader ~you get married

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Hiii. First imagine out of loads of short maze runner ones I'm gonna write like my Scott McCall book. Hopefully I'll actually write more this time lol. Anyw hope u like it :)

Y/n- your name

Minho eyes you and Newt closely at the bonfire for the new greenie. You were snuggled into Newt's chest fast asleep as he gently stroked your hair. Your h/c locks neatly tucked behind your ears as he smiled down at you sweetly.

"That's it. If those shanks don't get married soon so help me-" Minho started mumbling to himself, "wait that's perfect." He said, instantly planning it all out in his head on the way to Alby to suggest the big idea.

Alby turned to Minho, eyebrows raised at the boy's excited expression. "Yes?" he asks Minho. He began explaining the plans for your secret wedding to Alby who reluctantly agreed with Minho's ideas before turning back to celebrating around the fire.

You stirred lightly in Newt's arms when he decided to carry you back to your shared room in the homestead. You'd been dating for 2 years after you took care of him when he broke his leg and had basically become inseparable since.

Lazily, you opened your eyes as he lied you down in the bed and he pecked your nose gently smiling at you. "Sometimes you're too bloody cute love." He said as he pulled the covers over you whilst taking off his clothes and climbing into bed in his boxers.
"I love you Newtie." You smiled softly in return as you snuggled up to him making sure your head was rested lightly on his chest. Little did you guys know tomorrow was your big day.

Timeskip to next day**

"Wakey Wakey loverbirds!" Minho entered the room making an unannounced arrival. "Alby wants to see you in the deadheads as soon as you're ready. Says it's important." He said, making an excuse for you guys to climb out of bed.

"Bloody hell Minho ever heard of knocking?" Newt asked, sighing frustratedly. Minho snickered at Newt's angry expression and left the room quickly.

"Weird." You stated as you stretched whilst watching Newt slip on his shirt and trousers. He returned your confusion with a shrug and kissed your cheek. "Better get up then I guess." You groaned getting out from the comfort of the covers.

You and Newt headed towards the deadheads tiredly since Minho had woken you much earlier than usual. "Surprise!" the gladers jumped out, scaring you and Newt half to death. 

"What the bloody hells going on?" Newt questioned looking around until he saw all the guys lined up making an aisle with Minho skipping happily through the middle throwing flowers as he went. You blushed finally realising what was going on and looked up to Newt. "I.. is this a wedding?" You asked and your boyfriend finally put two and two together. His eyes widened and he looked down at you, a cheeky grin plastered on his face as he happily pulled you down the aisle. 

After Alby had finished reading out a list of promises you and Newt made to each other he gently pulled you into a passionate kiss. "I love you Newt." you said as his fingers lightly carressed your cheek.

"Love you more." He replied smiling as he took in all your perfect features, overjoyed you were finally his as he was finally yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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