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June 7, 2007

"Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to earth's survival."

3rd Point Of View

The booming voice of the thirty five foot tall alien robot in front of the teens shook them to their cores. His voice being gentle as to not scare them any further than they already were.

The human girl looks over to her current companion, who is gawking at the tall being, a glint of fear at the aliens words. The matter of the responsibility downing on him rather fast. Too fast for his own liking.

Her face turns into a light frightful scowl, gazing over at the boy and addressing him.

"Please, tell me you have those glasses."

It is something that she can't believe. Aliens have invaded Earth all because the glasses that once belonged to the boys great grandfather have some strange coordinates imprinted on them that lead to some stranger artifact that belongs to them.

He looks over at her, his memory running wild as all the tall beings around them stare at his very soul. It doesn't help that his new friend-and long time secret crush-Mikaela was doing the same thing.

He nods, a set of 'yeahs' coming from him. But after a second or so, he frowns, action that does not go unnoticed by the mighty Prime.

"Yeah, but, their not at my house."


The shriek that escapes Mikaela's mouth surprises everyone, even herself. As she was already thinking the worst outcomes of this situation, Sam places both hands in the air, already knowing what to say to make the girl calm down. The female knowing all too well-just like him-the person he's about to mention.

"A's got them."

A look of bewilderment settles upon her. A million thoughts running through her head.

"A? If she's got them then Pietro's got them too, right?."

He nods while the girl rolls her eyes rather dramatically, the obnoxious man not being a bit of her liking. Her mind ponders for a moment, realization settling in her.

"Hold on now, how do you know her?. Them?."

A light shrug escapes the boy nonchalantly, a pink hue settling in his cheeks, remembering the events all to well.

"He almost ran me over once. She heard of the incident. Beat him to almost a pulp. It's quite the story."

She blinks in surprise, taking a mental note on asking the female for the full thing.

The black haired girl motions over to the boys guardian, who immediately transforms into the Camaro of the year, this one opening his passenger and driver doors to let them in.

The rest of the robots do the same thing, brutally transforming into the cars and trucks that are known to them as their alternate forms.

As both teens get inside the yellow and black striped car, statistic noise greets their ears, the voice of the grand leader coming from the guardians radio.

"As it appears that some relative has the glasses, you will have to guide us to this new destination. Bumblebee will let you take over for the rest of the ride."

A set of beeps come from radio at the mention of the young Scouts designation. The wheel visibly getting released from its tense state. The teenage boy grabs the wheel, looking in the rear view mirror to notice the four other aliens behind him.

The Scout presses on the gas, prompting the teenager to start their journey since he as well doesn't know where he will be going.

The last thing he heard from the boy was that it was going to take a breem to get there. Which in human slang, is equivalent to one Earth hour. A hum of acknowledgment comes from the radio, the Prime understanding immediately that regardless of his hurry, he needs to be patient. The rest just give a subtle 'copy that' and follow the boy, the new destination drilling thoughts on their processors.

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