Chapter 14: Moving up in life

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Either next chapter or the chapter after that will be the final.

* Nearly one year later

Raising a baby was not easy. Raising one while being students was even harder.

But somehow, someway Izuku and Ochako found a way to raise a baby throughout school. Sometimes it was easy and peaceful


"Deku look! He's sleeping like a baby!" Ochako pointed at Toshinori fast asleep inside his crib.

"Maybe because he is a baby, but he's pretty cute though" Izuku commented looking at Toshinori together with his girlfriend.

*End of flashback.

And sometimes... It was hell.

*Another flashback.

"WAHHHHH!!!" Toshinori screamed crying loudly at 12 am.

"We can't get anything done like this!" Izuku covered his ears dropping the homework in the floor.

*Bang bang*

"MAKE YOUR BABY STOP DEKU! I CAN HEAR HIM ALL THE WAY TO MY FUCKING ROOM!" Bakugo shouted almost as loud as Toshinori cried.

"Oh great! Now Toshinori's first word will be a curse word!" Ochako now felt like kicking Bakugo's ass.

* End of flashback.

There was plenty of both moments, mostly the latter, but at the end of the day Izuku and Ochako knew that it was worth it.

And the best part was they had just graduated and were soon going to begin their hero careers. Of course they'd have to start out small but they will climb their way to the top and Izuku would one day aim to become the number one hero.

He still has to become the next symbol of peace.

But first things first they had to take care of Toshinori, and to do that they needed a new home.

"I don't know Ochako...It doesn't exactly look nice" Izuku looked around the house for sale as Ochako held Toshinori in her arms breastfeeding him.

" We can always fix it up. And besides most other houses cost way more than it would cost to fix this place. That money from all might isn't going to last forev...Oh...Sorry" Ochako apologized realizing her mistake.

" It's alright Ochako. I don't want to waste one of the few gifts he left me is all" A tear from his face hit the floor.

"... Anyway. I don't think it's too bad. I admit it needs some work but nothing is impossible for us right? " She tried to change the subject.

" Right... Well I think we made our decision" Izuku took out his phone.

* A few weeks later*

Izuku dipped his paint roller into some paint and he started to apply it to the wall in front of him covering up the old one.

" DEKU!!! GET IN HERE!" Ochako screamed from another room.

Deku activated one for all and rushed right where his family was.

" WHAT'S WRONG!?" He looked around looking for a threat but he didn't see one.

" He's starting to say his first word!" Ochako held Toshinori up in her arms.

" What!? What is it Toshinori?" Izuku asked turning his quirk off.

"... D..... D" Toshinori started.

" I think he's trying to say Dad or daddy! " Ochako squealed in excitement.

" C'mon! Say it Toshinori!" Izuku encouraged his offspring.

"D........... D..... Dku.... Du.... D.. De... Deku! " He finally said it.

Izuku and Ochako both blinked twice with the same expression.

Ochako started to laugh as Izuku looked on a bit confused of what he had just said.

" H... He said Deku! That's so cute!" Ochako said in-between her laughing.

"..... He said... Deku? " Izuku started to cry.

"Huh? Deku what's wrong?" Ochako asked noticing his sudden crying.

"Nothing is wrong.... I'm just so happy!" Izuku took Toshinori from her and he started to hug him tightly but also being careful.

" His first word was my nickname!" Izuku couldn't believe it.

" I was worried he would have said something bad like Bakugo" Ochako felt very relieved that wasn't the case.

" Seeing as how much we are around him and you always use Deku for me, it's no wonder he said Deku" Izuku gave Toshinori a small kiss on his forehead.

" I wonder what he will say next? Anyway we should get back to work now. We still have a lot to do" Ochako took Toshinori from Izuku and put him in his play pen letting him crawl around and they got back to work.

* One month of hard labor later.

Izuku and Ochako stood outside they're new home while Toshinori was in his stroller sucking on a All might brand pacifier.

"It's beautiful. All that hard work really paid off" Izuku had a arm wrapped around his girlfriends waist.

"It's truly amazing. Can we go eat some mochi to celebrate? " Ochako asked giving him a smile that she knew she would convince him.

" Sure. Just don't give any to Toshinori, he needs his vegetables" Izuku wanted his child to grow up healthy.

" Deal! Now let's go" Ochako grabbed Toshinori's stroller.

But Izuku grabbed her hand stopping.

"Deku?" She said confused as to why he was grabbing her.

" Ochako.... I...I want you to know something... I wasn't really sure that we could pull this off. I had lots of doubts on the way but at the same time I had lots of fun getting ready for Toshinori and rasing him as well" Izuku gave her a short speech.

" I had fun as well Deku" She gave him her happy smile with her bubbly face.

"And I honestly don't want to raise him like this,with us just" He took a small black box out of his pocket and grabbed her hand and got down on one knee.

Ochako immediately realized what he was doing and her mouth opened in shock.

"Ochako Uraraka....w... will you m-m-marry me?" He asked the redest he has ever been in his life.

"YES! YES! I WILL!" Ochako accepted his marriage proposal and she started to cry tears of happiness.

Izuku slipped the ring on her finger than got up from his knee to kiss Ochako which was very enjoyable to them.

"C'mon let's go celebrate" Izuku took her hand on his and they left to go get some mochi to celebrate.

And before they almost left they went back for Toshinori.

So will Toshinori have a quirk or not? And if so what do you think it will be?

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