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Shadow Knights- Unlimited shadowhunters they are the strongest shadowhuntrs.

Shadow Warriors-2 strongest strongest shadoehunters.

Shadowhunters-the common shadowhunters.

《Fun fact》
Alexa can beat Jace in a fight.Not because she a Shadow knight cause she very skilled with weapons and combat.

《Their likes,dislikes,loves》


Likes-cubbles,Magus laughter,training,Clary,Simon

Dislikes-the clave,His father,when people hurt his family,does not trust most downworlders,the laws

Loves-his mother,sisters,brothers,Magus,training with either Alexa,Jace,Izzy,or maybe Clary,seeing his family smiling,laughing


Likes-training,drawing,annoying Jace,Clary,Simon

Dislikes-Her father,the clave,the unfairness between shadowhunters and downworlders,someone who hurts her family,the laws,her period

Loves-Her mother,sister,brothers,Maia,Magus,soft pillows,candy,

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