Chapter 2

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Rosamund's POV
Surprisingly, Richard and I agreed to ally. We were camped out at the corn. The fight there earlier had been pretty bad. It had happened like this:
I shot Sir Anthony, Mrs. Hughes killed Ethel in a heated rage, Lady G killed Jane with a quick axing, Bates and Anna tried to take on Thomas and O'Brien, but were quickly slain. We saw that Mary and Matthew had allied. They ran away with lots of supplies and Richard thinks they are nearby at a creek. Violet and Isobel ran off together at a surprisingly fast speed. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, and Daisy ran off into the woods with little supplies. Sybil and
Tom ran off into the woods with a fair amount of supplies. Moseley and Baxter ran into the woods with no supplies. Lady and Lord G also ran into the woods. The problem that Richard and I faced was that O'Brien and Thomas were stalking us, waiting to strike. We have to take turns sleeping. I was getting ready to sleep when I saw them run right towards me.
Richard Carlisle's POV
I was hunting when I heard the scream and the cannon. I ran towards where Rosamund was sleeping and found her dead.
"Hello Richard," a sly voice said behind me. It was Thomas.
"If I was you, I'd run," O'Brien said in her filthy Irish accent. I decided to take her advice, and I ran full speed towards the woods.
Moseley's POV
Baxter and I were in trouble. We had no food or anything. She had the idea for me to climb a tree and kill a mockingjay for us to eat. It was a great idea. I started climbing a tree, towards a nest. When I got up to it though, there were only baby birds. I got ready to climb down when a huge bird swooped down and picked me off the tree. I heard Baxter scream my name as I fell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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