Love rival PT 1

380 32 8

I officially lost my head...(Author)

Yibo ran to their shared bedroom and let out loud wails of distress.

He was livid.

It had happened once again. Once again his beloved Zhan ge, his precious boyfriend,  his one and only love of his life had ditched him in the middle of the dinner because of her.

Oh how he cursed that damned excuse of a creature. How much he loathed her existence!

He hated her for the very root of his hair to the tip of his toenail. But what could he do? What was Wang Yibo supposed to do when Xiao Zhan loved her so much.

He could only sit at his emo corner and grow mushroom as he sipped his vinegar.

At times he wondered if Xiao Zhan really loved him. And if Yibo was to be honest he always thought that he didn't deserve Xiao Zhan and that he'd never be enough for him and now the constant lack of attention from Zhan only solidified his belief more.

Maybe she'd be better for him.

Just then Zhan's sweet voice floated in the air tickling Yibo's ears in a teasingly.


Yibo buried his face in the pillow and shut his eyes denying Zhan the pleasure to see his jealousy laced face.

"Yibo? BoBo? Baobei? Baby? Please look at me. I'm sorry I left you in the middle of our dinner. But- but she needed my attention baby please try to understand."

"It's always her isn't it? You always put her first", Yibo yelled vigorously wiping his tears.

"You don't love me the same anymore"

"What? Yibo what are you saying? Please don't act stupid here, you know better than that", Zhan said rubbing his temple.

This fight was giving him a headache

"Then tell me Zhan Ge when was the last time you spend time with me.
Just you and me. When was it?" Yibo asked glaring at the man who was counting on his fingers.

"You don't know, do you?", Yibo chuckled without humour.

Zhan hung his head and shook his head.

"It was five months ago, Five.Months.Ago.",  Yibo punctuated between each words emphasizing them.

Xiao Zhan could feel the guilt filling him slowly. It was true that he had been ignoring his boyfriend but he didn't mean to.

It's just, his baby girl demanded a lots of attention.

"I'm sorry Yibo, ".

ZhanYi / YiZhan one-shot fanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now