8. The Party

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*Used art by the most talented Chocolatesmoothie below* (pls check out their page)

Stella's pov.

May 12th, 1 p.m.

It's been two weeks since Brandon came into my room. After that day I've been trying my best to sleep as little as possible because every time I close my eyes it's not just Jonathan that I see but it's Jonathan telling me how much Brandon's gonna hurt me and I can't stand it because I know he's right. To keep myself occupied I started writing a story that is half about my life and half my imagination. I'm never letting anyone read it but it keeps me away from sleeping. How does that no sleep affect me you may ask. The answer is - awfully. Since I'm lacking sleep I decided to keep track of my pills and meals. I haven't had an attack since the gym incident but I often feel random chest pains that get me gasping for air. Brandon and I act like unfriendly roommates - we barely talk but we accept the fact that we HAVE TO live and study in the same buildings. At the same time, I've become closer to Oliver who seems to be really nice and fun to hang out with. I can even say that he isn't obsessed with me anymore. He is the kind of guy that flirts with every pretty girl he meets but never goes any further. I don't judge him. We're friends...

"Miss Solaria pay attention" I didn't notice professor Avalon who was standing next to me while I was too busy whining about my current life

"Sorry, Mr Avalon" I muttered and tried my best to pay attention to the second world war. My phone vibrated. 'Guess who gave me an invitation to today's massive party?' Bloom wrote with rolling eyes emojis

'V-whore?' Musa asked making me chuckle quietly and I heard Flora chuckle too behind me.

'Yes, and she gave me one. As if I'd ever go there without you' Bloom sent with swearing emojis

'I could multiply your invitation' Tecna wrote

'That'd be awesome!!!' Layla texted. I kept my phone in my uniform's pocket - too scared for another admonition.

When the class was over Flora, Musa and I bought some food in the cafeteria and joined the girls at our table. Nabu was sitting there too.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled at them genuinely "What an honour to see you sitting here today Mr Nabu" I curtsied in front of Nabu and it made him laugh

"Since when is it surprising that I hang out with my girlfriend's friends?" he lifted his eyebrows

"Just messing with you Nab" I punched his arm

"So are y'all coming to Vanessa's party today?" Nabu asked casually

"Yep, we got our invitations today," said Tecna and took six similar invitations from her purple backpack. I opened my mouth

"WOW" Musa couldn't hide her emotions "You are just wow" she put her arm around Tecna's shoulders "You are a goddess Tec!"

"What's going on here?" Nabu asked puzzled

"V-whore decided to invite only Bloom and not us so our genius Techna multiplied the invitations," Layla said proudly

"I love that nickname tho" Nabu chuckled "I really don't like her influence on Brandon. He barely hangs out with us anymore and acts weird" he shrugged

"I know right" I muttered and felt Bloom's hand take mine. She always understood me without saying a single word and she was always ready to comfort me.

"What do other boys think about Vanessa?" Flora asked eating her salad

"I don't know really but everyone feels that Brandon acts differently. In a bad way" Nabu said "She invited them all tho"

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