Ruler of the Munchkins

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The Emerald City of Oz is situated on the right side of the rainbow in the middle of a long scope of moors and mountains. The Munchkins live as a community in a town linked to the Emerald City by a long road built of yellow bricks, leading to the infamous Wizard who watches over the Kingdom. In the moors beside Munchkin territory is a woodland house built from trees where the enchantress, Evanora, resides. After leaving the fortress that she was raised in with her sister, Elphaba, she allied with the Wizard to watch over the Kingdom for him and ensure the safety of his citizens. Unlike her sister, living shut away from the kingdom in a gloomy castle did not appeal to her. She thrived of being a part of nature, and enjoyed the company of the animals that roamed the woods. Evanora knew that the Munchkins had no business with outside forces, and did not want to disrupt their community spirit and peace. She watched them quietly among the woods, and enjoyed seeing them thrive of the nutrition she provided as they lived in the homes she had built for them as their population flourished. The water they drank came from the silver lake that was blessed water she provided in barrels. The labourers of the town collected the barrels from the woods that she left available for them, and made use of the vegetables and corn that she had planted in stacks. The Munchkins enjoyed a lifestyle free of cruelty and violence, and never harmed animals for sport. Evanora protected her deers, foxes and rabbits as her family when Elphaba would send her winged monkeys to bring livestock. It was her ruby slippers that allowed her to cast magical spells for protection, and as long as she wore them, she held the power to keep her animals and munchkins safe from the wicked witch.
Evanora worked wonders to keep her realm in good spirits, and always used her magical powers to entertain the Munchkin community. She enjoyed watching the smiles on the children's faces as she sent the woodland animals to walk among the town. She also decorated the surroundings of the town with fairy lights and flowers, and watched them celebrate in bright colours. She felt part of the party, even when she knew her place outside of them, and did not expect any praise or recognition for her work. Evanora ruled the munchkins, but she was unaware of her influence and greatness. As the fairies surrounded her, she created a headpiece built from petals, lilies and daisies and walked among the moors covered in colourful plants and a long white robe. One morning, she sent a trail of butterflies to the munchkins only to find that they were distracted by something else. As they gathered around a sign in the middle of the square, Evanora began to hear their cries and the screams of children. Acting in her duty as their protector, she walked out of the woods for the first time and made her way towards them. As she expected, the Munchkins did not take well to seeing her as they only knew their own miniature kind. As they turned to notice this tall women towering above them, they immediately began gasping in shock and horror.
"It's the wicked witch!" the sheriff shouted with his squeaky voice, causing the rest of the Munchkins to run to their homes in panic and hide from her. The community that had always been peaceful under her rule had now become a loud and chaotic scene as they believed the enchanted Queen stood before them was the Wicked Witch they heard tales of. Evanora walked towards the sign to find that it was a message sent from her twin sister, Elphaba, stating 'Tomorrow comes a storm that will give you everlasting sleep'.
Disappointed that the Munchkin community had been discovered by Elphada's spies, and knowing the danger that was coming from such a threatening message, Evanora immediately clipped her slippers and rose from the ground. The power of her shoes allowed her to travel fast in the sky, where she made her way west to confront her sister. As the skies began to change to grey and gloom, she approached the large dark fortress that was once her home, and landed on the balcony leading to her sisters chambers. With the flick of her hand, the doors opened and she made her way inside to find Elphaba hunched over a gazing ball that showed the Munchkin town, dressed all in black.
"Your attempts to scare them won't prevail" Evanora tells her, catching her off guard and causing her to turn around. She looks to her sister revealing her green face under a large pointy black hat.
"Ah, my long lost sister. What an unexpected surprise to see you. You still wear the slippers that belong to me, I assume you have come to return them?" she asks, looking to her up and down in a patronising manner. She has never known the brightness and colours of nature that Evanora represented.
"They do not belong to you, nor can you ever have them. Such magic only exists to protect, not for wicked purposes. I will use them to save my people from your grasp should you ever try and harm them" she tells her firmly.
Ephalba let's out a loud cackle as she points to the gazing ball in the middle of her gloomy chambers. "Look there. Your little munchkins know what's coming. The storm will blow away their homes and they won't see the light of day again" she tells her before cackling again.
"I built their town, they are my people. You cannot destroy them!" Evanora shouts.
"Watch me sister, and watch your back too because you never knew the full extent of your power and that is your weakness!" she cackles before running to her door to let two of her guards in. They run towards Evanora, carrying spears which they point to her and prepare to throw. She flicks her arm, causing Elphaba and her guards to fly backwards and fall to the ground before she flys out the balcony.
"Get her! Get her!" Ephalba shouts as she rises, and the two monkeys spread their wings and start chasing Evanora. She watches from her balcony as she flys away. "You might have more power now sister, but not for long" she says to herself before letting out another loud cackle.
Evanora stops in the air and turns to face the two guards flying towards her. As they charge towards her on each side, she holds her hands out to them, causing them to yield force and and struggle against her power. As she stops, the monkeys look to each other only to notice that their wings have been clipped off before falling down from the sky. Evanora proceeds back to Munchkin town to prepare for the storm coming, and summons her animals to the town to aid in guarding the munchkins homes. She is hopeful that she can save the community from a gloomy situation that has scared them into hiding away, and they won't have to suffer this again. As dawn approaches, she watches from the moors waiting for her sister and the storm she is bringing. She knows that only she has the power to face her, and stop her. She intends to do so as far away from the town as possible to prevent anyone else being harmed. As the sun begins to disappear from a shade of darkness, she rises above the trees and notices a long black tornado in the distance that she knows has been created by her sister. She immediately springs towards it, casting a large force of blessed lightning to collide with the storm and prevent it travelling further. As the tornado is pushed away, Elphaba is left riding on her broomstick as she loses control over the clouds. As she sees Evanora, she cackles and rides towards her, dodging the lightning shots she is casting. Evanora places her hands together to create a large bright spell that she casts to make Elphaba fall off her broomstick, but she does not let her fall and instead catches her.
"Sister, we can fix this. This doesn't have to end in darkness!" she tells her, looking into her eyes with sincerity. Ephalba holds on to her, maintaining her balance and looking towards the storm. As Evanora is trying to reason with her and negotiate, she loses control of her power, and the tornado begins to pick up again.
"Maybe we can!" Ephalba responds looking to her sister again. Evanora smiles, believing that her sister is willing to see reason and end the storm. However, as she is led into the direction of the storm, she realises that the darkness is overpowering her. As she lets go of Ephalba to create another spell, she is pushed into the tornado and caught of guard. As she enters, the rushing force of the storm makes her lose control of her spell and she begins swirling around until she is hit by a house placed in the middle of the tornado. Ephalba stops the storm, causing Evanora to begin falling to the ground, having been knocked hard by the solid house. As she lands on the ground, positioned in the centre of Munchkin town, she looks up to see the blackness of a large house coming down on her. She tries to move and dodge the house, but is too late and the building lands on her, crushing her beneath it. As Ephalba catches her broomstick again and flies down towards the house, she cackles loudly as she notices Evanora's red slippers sticking out from under the house, and celebrates in victory of the battle as she makes her way out of Munchkin town. After the storm has calmed down, the deers, foxes and rabbits of the moors gather around the house as they find their Queens feet sticking out underneath it. The deer moves her with his head trying to wake her up, and make her move, but the animals can see that she is dead. They begin whimpering and crying, as all the creatures of the moors come out of the woods and gather around in mourning of their enchanted Queen and the land she built. They lie beside her until they notice a girl behind them, carrying her dog, who had just come out from the building. Believing her to be the cause of their mistresses death, they immediately run away back into the moors as the girl notices her house landed on someone.
"Oh no, what have I done?" she says only to be interrupted by a woman standing behind her in a puffy purple dress and wand.
"You have just created a miracle and freed this realm from the wicked witch!" she tells her before summoning the munchkins to come out from hiding and celebrate. "I'm Glinda, the good witch!" she says, wanting to appear as the towns saviour.
The munchkins are not afraid anymore, as the storm has passed and they put their trust in this woman and girl they don't know. As they pride themselves for being free of the wicked witch, they do not realise that the woman crushed beneath the house is their Queen who provided them with everything they have. Assuming that the wicked has been driven from the realm, they dance in joy until with a burst of smoke, Ephalba appears in the middle of the town carrying her broomstick. The munchkins distance themselves in fear of the black witch, as she makes her way to Evanora's shoes.
"Who killed my sister?" she asks as she makes her way to take the ruby slippers.
"Not so fast!" Glinda says, as she flicks her wand causing the shoes to disappear and appear on the young girls feet instead. Evanora disappears after the slippers have been taken, and her sister makes her way to the young girl.
"They belong to me!" She tells her, but is unable to take them when she tries. Glinda stands in front of the girl to protect her from Ephalba.
"These shoes only belong to people who will use them for good. Now off you go!" She instructs her.
"My sister used them well. But she was weak, and you are too! I will come back for you my pretty, just you wait!" she cackles before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
The mayor of the town steps forward. "I saw a woman wearing those slippers. She came to us when trouble came, and we thought she was the wicked witch of the west. But she wasn't. She tried to protect us, and sacrificed herself for us. Now she is gone" he says, looking at the building that crushed her.
He looks to the young girl wearing the slippers. "Avenge her. Use their magic to destroy her evil sister, and we will continue living in her blessing. She was our protector, and now you can be too!".
The young girl is sent with the slippers on a quest to cast down Ephalba, and with Evanora's death, the Munchkin community declined without her magic to assist them. They entered the moors in search of livestock, as food resources were no longer available. They discovered Evanora's home as they entered further into the moors, and found her animals surrounding it, realising that this is the home of their Queen. Every Munchkin of the town was summoned to her house in the woods for a ceremony in her honour. They lit candles when night approached, and held them around the woods as they surrounded her home. As they sang a melodic tune of respect, the house began to light up from the windows. The door opened, and all the munchkins looked up from their prayers to find a woman covered in a large gown of petals and lilys. As she stepped out barefooted, they realised it is Evanora and kneeled down on their knees. As she stepped out, butterflies, fairies and deers surrounded her in happiness to have her back and she walked down the steps as foxes and rabbits made their way towards her. The mayor of the town stands and makes his way towards her down the isle of fairy lights.
"I was a fool to doubt you, my Queen. Please forgive me" he tells her as he kneels down and kisses her hand. She smiles and puts her arms on his shoulders as she looks to all the munchkins.
"Truthfully, I don't need ruby slippers to be powerful. They were only an extension and a cover up. My magic is untouchable, and gave life to all of you here. But now we don't have to hide away from each other. We can live together in harmony and build a better world that no one can bring harm to. From now on, I am one of you. And I don't need to use my magic for anything other than light".
The munchkins held their candles in celebration of their goddess, and shed tears as all the questions they were uncertain of were finally answered. Evanora and the animals walked among them freely as she acknowledged her people, and they lived on happily together as Ephalba believes her sister has taken the fall for her wickedness. Munchkin town once again became a harmonic community without fear of any outside forces, and Evanora was able to live as part of the kingdom that she built and protected.

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⏰ Huling update: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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