cuddling with wanda maximoff would include

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(By icarus-fell-in-the-spring on tumblr)

-In your relationship with Wanda, cuddling is probably the most common activity the two of you do together
-It will either be on your shared bed or in the living room if it's not too noisy, laying down and wrapped up in each other's arms
-Your legs will be tangled together and she might run a cold foot up your calve every once in a while to watch you giggle and try to get away
-Often it's the best way to de-stress after a mission, particularly if it was a difficult one. You get the chance to talk over what happened and share any concerns you might have
-She prefers it when the two of you are facing each other, that way she can lean forward and press little kisses to your nose whenever she wants
-She'll always be watching you, even if you start to doze off, wanting to commit your face to memory
-There will always be a soft smile on her face as she gazes at you, making you embarrassed with her constant staring to the point where you bury your face in her neck so she can't see you
-From that angle she can also softly stroke your hair or skin, watching closely as you get goose bumps all down your arm
-Other avengers might walk in on you two if you're in the lounge but normally they think it's cute and make sure to be quiet
-Unless it's Tony in which case he'll make a comment about wanting to watch you guys kiss or something
-Sometimes she might rest her head on your chest or you'll do the same to her. Your heartbeat is extremely comforting and it helps to ground her and remind her she's safe
-The other person might braid their hair or just play with it while they rest. It's not uncommon to wake up from a nap with several new braids
-The two of you can cuddle with each other for hours, talking about nothing in particular or sharing some deep secrets
-When one of you try to get up, the other will pull them back down with a giggle, sometimes turning into a little wrestling match as they try to leave
-Wanda feels safest when she's in your arms and the two of you will often fall asleep wrapped up with each other
-She sleeps best when she's with you and it's the only time she's not plagued by nightmares, making her want to cuddle even more

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