chapter 1

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"y/n, wake up!" I heard a voice say. It was an all-too familiar voice. 

My 11-year-old sister, Embereleighanne, or Bruhleigh for short, stood over me, shaking me until I woke up. "Mom wants to talk to you."

"What?" I groaned, barely awake. "What does she want?"

"She wants to sell you to buy meth."

"Ok." I stood up and stretched, then pulled my brown ombre-dyed locks into a messy bun. I stumbled to the closet while rubbing my verdant emerald green orbs and picked out a lifeguard sweater and black leggings; my favourite outfit!

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, my mom was standing there. She had her hands on her hips and she wore a pink fluffy robe and her jet black hair was straightened, making her red lipstick pop. Her eyes were medium brown and she had messy dark eye makeup that smudged around her face a bit. "You're finally up. I guess Bruhleigh already told you the news," she snapped.

"Yeah. Who are you selling me to?" I asked.

"I dunno, some guy from eBay."

I walked into the kitchen and got a frappuccino from the fridge and checked instagram. My favourite celebrity, Ed Sheeran, posted an upside-down selfie on his story explaining that he was currently performing at a music festival in Australia. I sighed. I had a bit of hope that he was the one that bought me, but I guess not. I just had to wait and see who came to the door.

A few minutes later, Bruhleigh sat down beside me with my breakfast; a sad-looking piece of toast. This was a little sussy, she never brought me breakfast before. I ate it anyways, and it wasn't that bad. My sister looked at me with disgust. "You ate it!?"

"Yeah... what did you do to it?" I asked.

"I laced it with cyanide," she said enthusiastically. 

"Man, I hate when you do that!" I yelled, a bit too loud. "Y'know, I would have died if I hadn't built up a tolerance to it over the years. Let that sink in."

"What does it want now?!" Bruhleigh slammed her fist on the table, looking out the kitchen window towards the sink standing outside the front door. She opened it and kicked the sink over. It smashed into smithereens, leaving bits of ceramic everywhere. 

My sister just has a bit of crackhead energy sometimes.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened it...

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