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I sat down with my regular lunch, a soggy peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a chocolate milk, when out of the corner of my eye I see the really cute jock from the hallway looking at me. It seems like he's the one who waved to me but I'm not 100% sure. Then I see him approaching me.

"Hey how are you?" He asked. "Umm...good...I think?" I said while my hands were nervously shaking like I was having a seizure. How stupid do I sound "Umm...good... I think" really Emily really! Cant come up with anything else like good or great! Ugh! I thought to myself.

He started to move closer to me. I didn't want to be rude so I just started to move the other way slowly so he didn't notice.

"Hi, oh sorry, I didn't even introduce my self, My name is Nick, and yours is Emily I assume?" He said it pretty confidently which worried me. "Yes it is, how did you know? Not to be rude or anything but, I didn't know you so Umm, how do you know me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well I like to stalk you while your sleeping!" He said. "Well Um ca-" I didn't even finish before he said, "Don't take that seriously I was joking around! I saw it in your math paper. Don't worry I hadn't ever stalked you while you were sleeping." Nick said in a funny tone. "Well maybe but you will never know!" He started joking around.

We both laughed nervously but me more nervous than him. When the bell rang to remind us that lunch is over. I started to pick up my things when Nick asked me what class I had next, and then I said that I had reading with Mr. Dott. When he heard the name "Mr. Dott" he pulled my arm for me to sit back down. I think Nick knew that he was one of the only teachers who didn't care if you were late to his class. I sat back down and we talked for about 15 minutes before I left to get to class.

He walked me to my class and we waved goodbye to each other, he tried to hug me but I push him away and made up a stupid excuse that "I was feeling like I was getting a cold" I saw his face blush, then we went our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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