Jenny Horter

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~March 19, year 2011~

My mother is sitting in front of me, leaning her head against the bus window. She looks quite worn but why? In the next second I look out the bus window. The landscape has been transformed into tall trees and cold mountain peaks. Maybe this would be good? Maybe moving would do this family good? At least we had no future in Boston.

My expectations rise at the same time as the bus brakes hard on a narrow gravel road. My brother and sister wake up quickly when the bus stops. Mom is already getting up and downloading our lightweight gasket from the shelves above the seats.
Again I check out but it's pretty deserted. We are out in the middle of nowhere? Why can't mom just tell us where we are, things would have been so much easier....

~ One hour later ~

We are still in the middle of nowhere or well, we are in a forest. Behind the treetops I can see smoke but this time it is good smoke. In the middle of the forest there is a large open area with a few cabins. Below the hill there is a small lake that reflects the sun's warm rays. It feel like we have come to a holiday resort but where are all the people? Just in time, an older brown-haired women comes to us. My mother smiles at the woman and hugs her hard, do they know each other? Finally the woman looks at me and my siblings...

-You have not met my children, have you? The oldest one is Oliver, the middle one is Jenny and my youngest is Alice, my mother says.

-Ohh, nice to meet you all. My name is Heidi Winstone. I have two boys but they are at school..but how was the trip here? I doubt the bus drove you all the way, Heidi sighs.

Heidi shows us the longer way to our new home if I can even call this place that? Mom and Heidi go a bit ahead while me and my siblings totally ignore each other...

I look down at the ground and kick gravel while I notice that one of my shoelaces has gone up. My siblings call behind me for a few minutes but then they continue to walk without me. I bend down and tie a double bow. Honestly, I'm pretty useless at tying my shoes because it goes up all the time. When I get up I hear a clicking sound further into the forest. I look around and see that the others have already come a bit further. But to get into trouble already the first day will have to wait until further notice...

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