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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art. Food Wars: Shokugeki No Souma is owned by Yūto Tsukuda and does not belong to me either. This is set just after the end of the fourth season. 

The following chapter is heavily based off an actual text conversation I had with one of my best friends. Enjoy the chaos! Author-chan out!

Cooks on Crack

Souma: so how was everyone's day off

Erina: There is no such thing as a day off for me, even if it's a holiday.

Hisako: Actually, your next meeting is in 10 minutes, Erina-sama! 

Erina: Lovely. I'll meet you in the hallway to discuss it.

Hisako: Coming!

Souma: bye then ig. how was everyone else's day?

Ikumi: i can't feel my legs

Isshiki: OHO

Isshiki: YOU GOT DICK????

Megumi: Me too, Ikumi-kun! So tired...

Isshiki: WAIT 

Souma: WHAT????

Alice: U BOTH GOT DICK!!!!

Kurokiba: hold up

Ikumi: PFF NO-


Takumi: um, bro-

Megumi: What? We just went skateboarding together from 1 to 6

Kurokiba: oh

isami: THANK GOD


Ikumi: LMAO PLS-

Megumi: It was just skateboarding...?

Alice:  😭 😭 😭 BORING

Megumi: Hey, it was fun!

Isshiki: was it just skateboarding tho 😏

Ikumi: YES 🚫🚫🚫

Hayama: chill omg


Takumi: lmao  

Kurokiba: well skateboarding is fun ig

Megumi: It is!

Alice: even if u didnt get dick-

Ikumi: 😭 😭 😭

Hayma: can u guys chill out

Isshiki: no ❤

Isami: what even is chill

Souma: never heard of her

Isshiki: also, since when does megumi like to skateboard??

Megumi: Since today! Ikumi-kun taught me how! It's really fun and she's a good teacher!

Isshiki: and there is our resident angel 😇

Ikumi: thank u megumi-kun

Takumi: nice

Erina: What is happening...

Question. Who do you guys ship Kurokiba with, Hayama or Alice? I can't decide which ship to do, since I like them both. And while you're at it, what is your favorite Megumi ship other than SouMegu? Please comment your answers here! Author-chan out!

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