I Got My Quirk!

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^^^Don't play the song yet

You begin to stir from your slumber as you look around to notice that you were now in your bed back at home, in your little footy pajamas, 'I must've been sleepy', you thought to yourself as you climb out of your bed to look outside, noticing now it was dark.

You look at your Barbie digital clock that read '4:00 am'. You leave out of your room to go to the kitchen for a juice pouch. Passing by your parents' room, hearing banging and soft grunts, you decide to walk faster down the hallway and down the stairs to get away from whatever is happening in there, you wondered what was going on but you didn't want to find out. After acquiring your juice pouch you quickly speed walk back to your room to drink it and go back to bed.

(Saturday Afternoon)

You leave out of room to head down to the living room to watch your favorite show that was about to come on, upon arriving, you noticed a new computer setup to the left in the corner of your living room. Curious, you walk to your father in the kitchen and asked what it was doing there, " This morning your brothers and I went shopping while your mother sleeps in, (😏) and bought a few new things. A computer being one of the many new things I bought."

He smiled picking you up to sit on the kitchen stool, ready to serve you your lunch in the absence of your mother.

Later that day your brothers spent their time on the computer watching videos and playing games, you wanted to join in but they said that there weren't enough spaces for a third, which made you sad. You walked back up to your room to play by yourself with your new dolls for the time being.

Growing tired of playing by yourself, you walked back down to the living room to at least watch them have fun, quickly noticing that they were I longer there, you happily skipped over to the vacant computer and plopped down. The last thing that was opened on the screen, was a website called YouTube, not knowing how to use a computer you took the mouse and clicked on a recommended video because it looked interesting. It was a group of boys posing in the thumbnail.

Play the song

Music blasted through the speakers, now playing a song called Lucifer by SHINee. You bop your head to the sound of the music and watched in amazement as these boys danced in sync to the music, they looked similar to your mother but they were singing in a different language, it didn't sound like Japanese or English, none the less you didn't care, they looked...COOL.

You've never seen anything like this before. The buzzing came back but this time more aggressively and it didn't show any signs of leaving, you feel yourself become overwhelmed with excitement, your smile not relaxing, and you begin to feel weightless. Not paying attention to your surroundings, small things around you started to float as well as yourself.

Upon hearing loud music, your brother Quinn walked out the bathroom wiping his hands on himself looking for the source of the music and finds you floating above the computer chair, eyes glued to the screen, with a big smile on your face. As he gets closer he notices that your eyes were no longer (E/c), but a swirled rainbow. Putting two and two together he screams "(Y/N)'S GOT HER QUIRK!".

Hearing your brother's voice, you snap your head in his direction, seeing him snapped you out of your happy trance, you look down and you don't see yourself on the ground anymore and you were floating. The buzzing subsiding into a barely noticeable tingling sensation. You begin to float back to the ground in amazement at the thought that you now have your quirk. You squeal in excitement, ' I finally have a quirk', you thought as you walked over to Quinn to jump for joy.

When your mother caught word that you have your quirk, she made an appointment with your doctor to get everything confirmed and checked out.

(Time skip)

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