Chapter 1

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My family's house caught on fire. How, you may ask? I don't exactly know. But it was almost like the flames had a mind of their own. I remember searching for almost an hour for my family, completely forgetting the fact that I had my phone in my pocket. I could've gone straight to the police station, but for an hour I'd led myself to somewhere completely unknown in panic. I didn't recognize anything or anyone. I looked through a window of some deli and saw my face on the tv. The police had pronounced me dead. As shocked as I was I ran into the woods, not knowing what to do. I sat down on the dirt, my back against a tree, sobbing to myself. All I could think about was the fact that my family thought I was dead, and I'd probably put them through so much pain.
                 It was childish of me to not try and find them again. But part of me wanted to escape this hell of a life I was living. My school grades were slowly plummeting and my parents would always compare me to my sister, Sage. "Oh Viridian, you should try to be more like your sister. She has the perfect grades, and the perfect friends" they would say. But in all honesty, I was actually trying. I guess they just never noticed.
                 Once I was finally done with my whining, I had already known what I was going to do. Run away to the closest state and try and start a new life, to the best of a seventeen year olds ability. I had some pocket change, a debit card with money I had earned working, my phone, and my ID. That's basically all I had needed. Right?

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