chapter 10:beatbox battle

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as you guys are eating lunch,but this time actual good lunch its pizza.

as you guys are eating you see a kid with a bataco the beatboxer t-shirt.

he walks up to you guys.

???:hey you guys like beatboxing?

TJ nods.

Gus says.

Gus:yeah its ok.

spineli says.

spineli:its pretty cool.

and you say.

y/n:I honestly love it, I actually beatbox as well.

the kid and everyone else look at you then the kid says.

???: wanna beatbox battle?


???:ok well then see ya at recess, by tge way the name is Allen.

y/n:I'm y/n

everyone else says their names and you all enjoy lunch until recess....Time for the beatbox battle.

as you are walking to the sand with Allen and everyone else Allen asks you.

Allen:so who's your favorite beatboxer?


you then look at his shirt and say.

y/n:I'm guessing you like bataco?


you get to the sand and get in stance.

king bob looks at you two and says.

bob:what now?

y/n:beatbox battle.

king bob nods and picks up his megaphone.


everyone surrounds the sand as king hob says.

bob:this time its a beatbox battle!

You motion for Allen to go first.

(btw this is only one round).

he does the boots n cats thing and he keeps going tick tick tick.

it's now your turn and some people cheer for some reason and some people boo.

bob:its now y/n's turn! and after y/n its time for voting!

You start to beatbox.

(skip to 6:20)

everyone cheers,and of course spineli is the loudest.

king bob comes over with the answers and says.

bob:and the winner is..........Y/N!  AGAIN!

you hug the group and of course spineli hugs you the most.

(timeskip again)

you all wave each other bye and go home.

you get home spend the day with your dad and mom and when you go to bed you start to think.

y/n thoughts:why is spineli always the one most excited and happy for me......and why do I really like I have a crush on her????? I think i do......I know i gonna tell her soon.

Spinelli x mma powerful male readerWhere stories live. Discover now