I dont know if anyone wants the rest of the story on here, so yk

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Remus walked down the corridor, nose in a book and shoulders hunched in, as if he were trying to look as small as possible. He'd so far managed to avoid Black for most of his lessons, though Remus had quite a few classes with Black and saw the looks he'd kept shooting the young Ravenclaw. It didn't mean anything good.

Black had figured out Remus' secret in second year, with a smirk on that goddamn aristocratic face and the silver highlights of his scarf making his eyes look scarily silver, themselves. Remus thought afterwards that it was funny they were actually dark gray.


Remus regretted getting on his knees and begging Black not to tell, saying he'd do anything. He could have used a memory charm (which he mastered purely out of boredom that Christmas) on Black but he'd taken his wand before locking the door to the empty classroom where Remus lost his freedom.

Or so he thought he had lost his freedom back then, Remus thought darkly.

Remus was pulled from his thoughts when he felt himself get yanked into a rather large broom closet and pulled his book over his head to hit whoever was there.

"Really, Moony? You have a wand, you know."

Remus lowered his book. Only one person called him Moony, if only to see him cringe, which he did every time.

"What do you want, Black?"

Sirius Black waved his wand at the door. Remus heard a distinct click as the room filled with light. Remus wasn't surprised, he himself had been working on non-verbals in his free time.

Black stepped closer and plucked the book from Remus' hand, closing it and inspecting the cover. "Carrie?"

Remus made a grab for the book, which Black easily counteracted by holding it above his head.

"It's supposed to be a horror novel, it's very good, give it back!"

Remus' distracted explanation of the book was met with a look from Black. "Don't you think you have enough horror in your life?"

"Well, you're in it, so I'd say so, have you seen your face?" Remus muttered.

An outright lie, if Remus had ever told one. Or, at least the part about Black's face.

There was a pause in which Black glared at Remus. He felt his stomach jump to his chest and his heart to his throat, pulsing through his body. Black took a step closer, putting the book down on a shelf as he did so.

"What'd you say, Mooncakes, I didn't quite get that last part."

Black leaned down over Remus, when did that happen, and stared him down. Remus stared back, jaw set, as if the action didn't go straight to his cock. He cursed in his head.

"Don't call me that."

Remus' voice sounded shaky even to himself.

"Repeat. What you said, chiot."

Remus shuddered, whether from arousal or fear he didn't know but really, a known enemy should not have this effect on him. "You must be hearing things, has the inbreeding finally caught up with you?" His voice sounded high pitched, too.

Black's hand came up to Remus' cheek, which Remus instinctively flinched at. It sent a jolt to Black's stomach, knowing he had this effect on Remus, without having ever even hit him. "Remember what happened right before Christmas?" He cooed as he ran his thumb over Remus' cheekbone.

Remus nodded. Of course he remembered. Remus was sure he'd get expelled before he could even take his O.W.L.s, he'd almost killed Snape.

Remus wasn't sure who stopped it, he didn't care. He was just glad he hadn't killed anyone. He didn't know it happened exactly as Black planned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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