Chapter 2

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I arrived at the crime scene and had to get past two officers.

"I'm with CSI" I said, holding up my badge.

One of the officers spoke in a low grunt voice, "Aren't you a little bit too young to be involved with crime?"

"Not at all," I replied, even though everyone said the exact same thing. And it was kinda true. Imagine seeing a 21 year old scrawny kid that looks like he's in high school. Yeah, that's me.

The officers let me through to the crime scene. There were two bodies on the floor. Well this oughta be interesting, I thought.

I crouched down and examined them. One man seemed in his late 30s and the other seemed like a teen. Maybe around 19. Poor fella.

The teen had a gun in his hand and both of them had oozing blood. Maybe he tried to kill the man, then killed himself? No, probably not. And in the middle of Seattle? Would've had to been at night. To solve a murder case, you have think like a murderer.

After racking my brain and going through "the phase" (Which is what i call when I think of every possible way this could've happened if I was a serial killer. And surprisingly, I have a knack of it) I figured out that there was definitely a third person. In this scenario, the thirty year old man probably owed another man some money (Or they were doing an exchange of some sort) and the other man wasn't pleased. He shoots our guy when he sees a teen strolling by who witnessed everything, he shoots the kid, drags his body over here and puts the gun in his hand.

So wait, there has to be another splat of blood somewhere...

"Hey, Lile, have you found anything on these two?" Asked Clark,  the only person in Homicide that I actually liked. Clark was like a father figure to me. My father left when i was 3 and my mother died when i was 13. Clark was a 40-ish year old man. You're typical detective.He was Seargeant, it was the lieutenant I hated.

After I explained to Clark what I analyzed, he had no surprise at all. He knew that I had a, uh, gift.

"Not surprised, Lile. Although, you do amaze me sometimes. Keep it up, but try to not freak people out.", he suggested.

Too late, everybody already thought I was a freak because of my fascination with crime scenes and blood. Blood was practically my life. People were so amazed by my skills and my "phase" that they actually think one day I'd be the killer in a crime scene...

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