Phillip Michael Lester

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Phil's pov:
I actually slept no more then two hours last night. The funny thing is, I'm wide awake. Dan Howell is going to be here in ten minutes!! I'm doing a once-over of the house, and it's spotless. I've always been told I'm a great host. My mum isn't coming until late tomorrow afternoon, so he might spend the night! I hear a knock on the door. My heart skips a beat because I know it's him. I take a deep breath and open the door. Gazing into my eyes is....... The postman. I resist the urge to swear at him for not being Dan, as that would just be insane of me. I mumble thanks as I take my and my mum's packages, and he's on his way. I can tell right away one of these is from a fan, judging by the wrapping. I can't even fathom the thought I have fans. The box is a little cube, about the size of a mug, and wrapped in fluorescent green paper with my name on it. I gently tear open the box, and inside is a little stuffed lion. "Awwww" I say, sort've amazedly. How did she know I loved lions? Just then, I hear another knock on the door. "It's him!" I can't help but squeal to myself. I practically sprint to the door, nearly knocking everything in sight over. "Bullcrap" I say, stubbing my toe. I limped the rest of the way to the door, thrusting it open. There he was. Standing there in all his perfection. He's actually pretty tiny. About 3 centimeters shorter then me. He's wearing this cute llama hat, a shirt that (Ironically) matches the shirt I'm wearing( only his says HOWL, and mine says OMFG ). We just stand there, gaping at each other. Only I wasn't standing. I, Phillip Michael Lester, was falling. Falling for Daniel James Howell.

You and me (Phan smut)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora