Chapter 3

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A runner!
"Maria, Maria" someone was shaking me.

"What-" It was Chuck he looked worried and out of breath, the rest of the boys stood around me.

I shot up  "what is something wrong!" I asked quickly my face changed from worried to confused, everyone was there stood around me for some reason.

they looked as though they were bracing themselves for the worst.

"Oh, finally we actually believed you had died in your sleep" Alby laughed.

"What I'm not a morning person, ok?" I rolled back over onto my side.

"Maria it's three in the afternoon.."

I huffed slowly rising out of my bed. I looked at them all "how would you all know the time?" I snapped

"Woah, Woah, Woah calm down," Thomas said trying to hide a laugh.  I stood up glaring at them all.

"I need food," I said, still glaring at them.

"Well there's leftovers from lunch.." said gally cautiously, he seemed a little scared of me in the moment then quickly recovered back to his cocky attitude.

"Here take this" Minho grabbed a plate of the green box that was used as a table next to the slammer. I smiled and everyone laughed I flicked my head towards the boys and they quickly stopped.

I turned my head back to Minho and smiled he looked at the rest of the group raising his eyebrows, I let out a small laugh but covered it by rolling my eyes at him.

Newt was slumped down in a wooden chair across from us it was slightly broken but seemed sturdy.

He span out of his position and started watching Minho.

"So have you thought about what you wanna do yet, greenie?" He asked

"Mhm, I wanna be a runner"

he looked down and back up at me.

"Maria you-"

"You can't be a runner" newt jumped in on the conversation

I laughed " I don't think that's up to you, and weren't you the one who-"

" Okay fine whatever, but don't come running back to me when you get fed up with it!" My heart dropped he seemed mad, I didn't like it he's been the nicest to me so far, but I wanted to be a runner I wanted to know what was out there.

"Well I want to know what's out there, don't you?" I took a deep breath " come on don't you?"

Minho slowly walked backwards.

"Minho! What do you think?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow

"I hoped I wouldn't be involved in whatever sort of fight this is but I feel like she should be able to at least see the maze" Minho glanced at newt.

"Whatever" newt shrugged and walked off "just don't get hurt"

I smiled and looked at the maze walls.

"You can only come if you get up early tomorrow" Minho glanced down at me for the second time with a bold look in his eye.

Then my smile disappeared "great early"

I ran out towards the forest (where Newt was heading) he was leant up against a tree sharpening his knife.

I gulped "you're not planning on killing anyone with that are you?"

He put down the rock and looked up at me before walking straight past me.

"Okay, I get it, your not gonna speak to me" I tilted my head slightly and looked down at the rock he was holding.

"Whos Sonya?" he stopped and turned to face me.

" I don't know" he shrugged "I'm guessing someone important to me though?"

I smiled "its a pretty name, well whoever it is she's lucky to have you."

I examined the rock it had a little blonde haired boy and girl on the front , the girl was a slight bit smaller then him, they were playing together on the back of it had the name Sonya in baby pink paint.

I looked up at him he was still looking at me, we had a split second of eye contact and he gave me a warm smile

In a way it told me he had forgiven me for earlier.

I realised I felt safer around him, More myself.

He came over, I passed the rock to him and we started to stroll around the glade together.

"Anyway, earlier I didn't mean to be pushy I just want to go out there I want to know if It could help us find our parents" I stopped "and I-i know I have them" newt just listened that's what he did a lot he listened to me when the other boys wouldn't I carried on "maybe you could find Sonya maybe it won't be so crowded and maybe there will be more girls" I laughed.

"I told you, Maria. You can do what you want if you find anything, of course, I would come with you just make sure you don't get hurt" he glanced at the maze entrance.

I could tell he wanted to know what was out there, I guess he didn't want to face the truth. I guess he feels safer here now then where ever he was outside of the maze.

Newt grabbed my hands and turned me around so we were face to face "listen, It's just you have this big image in your mind these great expectations of what's outside the maze and I don't want you to finally make it out and everything be completely different to them" he sighed

"I don't want you to be disappointed that's all"

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