Chapter 6

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The low drum of rain aroused Pidge from her slumber. Bleary-eyed she stumbled to her feet as the confusion settled in. They were in the middle of space. A place where the weather was non-existent and yet here she was hearing the rain.

No longer tired enough to sleep she made her way past the others. Hunk shifted in his sleep turning right towards Pidge. For some reason, Pidge froze. It wasn't like she was sneaking out-well she was in a way. Hunk stilled once again and she continued forward.

Dark. That was one word to describe the corridor Pidge currently trekked down. It was almost as if Badrick was never here. It was just another midnight run to the kitchen. The other paladins dead asleep while she roamed the halls. This was her time. The time she could truly be alone.

She had just about made it to the kitchen when a sound farther down the hallway drew her attention. She stepped away from the kitchen just as the doors slid open. The light from the automated fixtures flooded out into the hallway. Her shadow stretched out in front of her. Then the doors slid shut and she was left in darkness.

Continuing forward, Pidge listened. A thud sounded by dragging reached her ears from just around the corner. Her heart pounded in her chest as she peeked around the corner. Her nose brushed against the wall, her breath heating her face as it bounced off the wall.

She could see Badrick in the middle of the corridor hunched over a white sack. A glint of a blade being lowered. Badrick cut the sack before turning it over and dumping the dirt onto the floor. Once the bag was empty Badrick discarded it and began to spread the dirt out with his foot.

Having seen enough Pidge slowly backed away. She took one step before she fell back having tripped over her own feet. Around the corner, the movement stopped and then came towards her at a rapid pace.

Badrick came into view before she had a chance to rise to her feet. He stood over her hands folded behind his back.

"Well what do we have here?" he growled. His face twisted into annoyance as he reached a hand forward.

Not knowing whether to be frightened or angry, Pidge sat there as he held a strand of her hair in his hand. Then all of a sudden he dropped it.

"Get up," he growled at her.

She did so.

She had so many things to ask, so many things that she wanted to say to him. But she couldn't so she just glared at him.

"I could kill you." At the comment, he pulled out the knife from before. He stepped forward until she couldn't move any farther. Her back was pressed firmly against the wall herself practically on her toes. He traced the blade against her cheek hardly applying pressure. He licked his lips, hunger for blood evident in his eyes. Pidge swallowed not able to tear her gaze away from the psychotic look in his eyes. "Gather my prize and return home." The blade hovered centimetres from her neck.

Pidge lifted her head in hopes to gain distance between her and the blade, but he only moved it closer. He paused for a moment the blade resting against her neck. One wrong move could end it all for her.

"But I won't," he said finally dropping the blade. Pidge released a breath she didn't know she was holding. "That would be counterproductive," He smirked as if laughing at a thought, "Besides there's no fun in that."

So it was all fun with this guy. If it's not a show he loses interest. Then the dreaded thought came. If he loses interest he either moves on or simply ends it himself. Pidge glanced at him. His manner was too pristine too perfect he most definitely came from a rich family. Pidge reached for her neck. But that didn't make him incapable of becoming the psycho killer that she had just been introduced to.

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