Truth or dare (skinny love for the chapter)

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"That movie was awesome!" Dylan says over enthusiastically
"Yeah, thanks for bringing me."
"Listen, matilda. I need to tell you something." He says in a not-so good sounding tone.
" I was never going to go out with you. It was a dare. But-"
The words stab me like a knife. I cant believe he'd do this to me. I shouldve known. Its the 'make fun of the new kid' thing again.
"Never mind dylan. Youre a jerk." I say coldly.
"Please, dont be angry, i was going to go through with it. But i had fun tonight. Please forgive me. Im sorry."
"Im not angry dylan. Im just really hurt."

I go out side and pull out my phone so that i can call my aunt.
"Matilda please, wait!" I hear him call.
I cant believe he's running after me.
He catches up to me and i put my phone down.
"What do you want?" I ask him harshly.
He leans forward and says.
"Im sorry. I really like you. I know that ive been an idiot but you have to hear me out."
"Okay. Impress me then." I reply
"When i got to your house, i was nervous. I thought about turning around, but i knew it wouldnt be fair on you. And then when you started talking to me in the car, I realised, that i really did want to go out with you, and that i want to know you better. please, give me another chance."

I dont know if i can trust him. If he really likes me, he'll come after me.
"Bye Dylan."

I pull out my phone to call my aunt. but instead I call Gemma.
" Hey gem."
"Hey, tils? What's wrong?" She replies, sounding concerned.
"I went out on a date with a guy tonight, and it turns out he's a jerk. It was all a dare to him."
I choke back tears as Gemma continues.
"Come over to my house tonight. Don't even worry about clothes, Im sure we're the same size."
A flush of relief passes through me. I need a friend right now, especially after this incident.
I reply with
"Thanks Gemma."
"No worries. I'll come pick you up. Where are you?"
"At the cinema on the corner of Mansfield and Simmons."
"Be there in a sec. Bye!"

I hang up and text my aunt.
-from- Matilda. -to- aunt Louise
I'm sleeping over at my friends tonight. I'll be back on Sunday.
Xx Tilly

-from- aunt Louise -to- Matilda.
Okay😘 stay safe.

Within minutes, a bright red car shows up. The passenger window rolls down.
"Come on! Let's go." Gemma says
I look behind me, hoping that Dylan might be there.
Sure enough, there he was standing at the door, a hurt look on his face.

I step into the car. My dignity crushed, and Dylan with his million dollar smile not showing.
He deserves it.

Sorry for the boring chapter

But you weren't expecting that now we're ya!!!

Thank you guys for 200 reads!!

Xx Alex

Million dollar smile guyWhere stories live. Discover now