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JJ screamed out in pain as another contraction passed through her body. "I swear to god Emily! Never again! I'm done after this."

"IN my defense, you're the one who wanted another kid."

Jennifer turned her head to her wife, who was sitting behind her, sending a glare her way. "We couldn't have adopted?!"

"We could have... but you probably should've mentioned that nine mo-" she was cut off as JJ had another contraction.

"Okay, Jennifer the baby is almost here, I am just going to need one more big push from you... okay?"

JJ was a lot more verbal through this delivery, maybe it was because she wasn't having twins again, but it still hurt like a bitch.

She nodded as she pushed...


Emily walked out to where the team and 3 year old Nio and Penelope were waiting.

Garcia was the first to notice Emily walk in, "Is the baby here?!" When she said this the team head all turned to look at Emily, who had a gigantic smile on her face as she nodded.

"Mommy can we go see baby?"

"Yeah Nio, you guys wanna come meet you new baby sister?" both of the twins nodded in agreement. Emily walked down the halls of the hospital, hand in hand with the twins, the team following closely behind.

Emily quietly opened the door to see JJ holding their little girl in her arms. It reminded her of when the twins were born almost 4 years ago.

I open the door trying to see if JJ is awake before walking in.

Luckily she is so I push the door open wider to let the team in, Reid and Derek go over to where Penelope is holding her godson. While Rossi and Hotch go over to JJ to check in on her.

"What are their names?" Hotch says while actually having a smile on his face, this looks really unnatural.

JJ sits up in the bed slowly and says, "Well, say hello to Penelope Joy Prentiss. Our first born." we all hear Garcia gasp, "Is she named after me?" JJ and I nod our heads, "Garcia, you shouldn't be surprised because you have been there for us, all of us, for as long as I can remember. And besides this little girl is going to have the best godmother ever." She smiles, even though she looks like she is about to burst into tears.

While we were explaining to Garcia why Penny was named after her, I got to hold my son for the first time because he was fussing a little bit with everyone else . JJ always said she could see me with kids, but I never believed her, that was until I held my son for the first time, he went silent almost immediately, and I guess Hotch noticed, "And him?" he asked.

I sent him a smile and walked over, closer to JJ, "This is Nio Grey Prentiss"

She smiled as she recalled the memories of the twins birth and everything that followed, all the amazing memories... and the not so amazing ones. But the good always did outweigh the bad when she was with JJ.

The team was in complete adoration of the new addition to the BAU family. The little girl wrapped in a little pink bundle who Emily knew was going to have so much love. From their family.

She smiled at the sight of the team like this. With the cases they dealt with they didn't get to see a lot of happy endings, or happy beginnings. But when they were all together, outside of work, none of the memories were bad. As far back as Emily could think back the memories were all ones she was very fond of.

"Hey Penelope?" Emily was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard Jennifer's voice.

"What's up super mom?" JJ chuckled at the nickname, but everyone knew it was true.

"Would you want to be her godmother?"

"Lovey, of course I would love too. More kids to spoil. You know how much I love kids... well ones that aren't mine." This got a laugh out of everyone.

"So does the little munchkin have a name?" Dave asked from one corner of the room.

JJ turned to Emily and sent her a smile, she wanted Emily to tell the team the name of their new baby girl.

"Everyone meet Adeline Elle Prentiss." The name had stuck with Emily for the past 3 years. It was a reminder, not that she could forget the person she was named after. Emily wasn't ever really sure if what had happened was actually real, but it didn't matter. It had changed her as a person, into a better person.

"That's a beautiful name, so this means the next boy you two have will be named after one of us?" Rossi asked in a joking manner.

"Rossi, sorry to disappoint but Jennifer here made it very clear that she doesn't want any more kids." I raised my eyebrow at JJ, sending her a smirk too. She shook her head and laughed a little bit.

She yawned and everyone saw that as a cue that it was time to start heading out of the room. Once everyone was out, the twins had gone with Garcia for a little "sleep over" while JJ was in the hospital, Emily took Adeline from JJ to let her get some sleep. She took the seat next to the bed for some bonding time with their daughter.

She smiled looking down at the little girl in her arms. She couldn't have been more wrong those 3 years ago... that wasn't her happy ending, this was.


I am happy and sad at the same time to say that we have officially reached the end of 'You're the one I Need- A Jemily Fanfic'. I want to thank you all for the immense amount of support that you all have given me these past 4 months, and it's kinda crazy that it's coming to an end so soon. I have realized how much I enjoy writing through this and I never expected this much support. I love you all so much and I have said I do have a new Luke Alvez fic that I will be releasing soon. If you want to see any types of stories, from any fandom (because I just finished all the available episodes of S.W.A.T. on hulu so I need a new show) I would be happy to watch the show if I haven't already and write about it. The first chapter of Lovers Lost and Found will be released in a couple of days. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing morning/day/night, and if it isn't going great, I hope it gets better.

Till next time,

corrie <3

Word Count: 1,155

Total Word Count: 39,820

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