3: enemy and soulmate?

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"Ok so my soulmate is my biggest enemy?"I ask Lydia "yeah....I think so"
"Ok...that's crazy,....um what do I do?!" I ask her
"I don't know... um... maybe just for people with the same tattoo?" She says kind of confused
"Uh... ok I can do that" I say with confidence even though I don't have any right now
I start to walk home and think.....
Ok so I am just goin go to act like today is all normal not like my soulmate is my biggest enemy......
I get home and see my moms car gone ok looks like I'm home alone for a bit..... I guess I should look up about both soulmate and enemy.... I get in the house and go to my room....and go on my computer "ok so I guess just look up "can your soulmate and enemy be the same person" yea I guess" I say out loud to myself....

Nothing comes up?

"Um ok should I tell my mom" I say out loud to myself again, right then I head my moms car pull up and park in the garage... "ok I guess I shouldn't right now"
I go downstairs to see my mom
"Hey happy birthday!!"
"Thanks mom!"
Should I tell her,should I tell her, should I tell her, keep repeating in my head.
"Hey,mom?" I was thinking of telling her
"How did u know dad was your soulmate?"      No I can't tell her
"Oh...um i have to tell you something....."
"What?"     Tell me something?!
"Um nothing....what do you want for dinner?"
"Um Chick-fil-A?" What the hell was that
"Uh ok I will order it"
Ok something is up with my mom.... but what my mom never told me how my dad died... could he have bin her soulmate and enemy two!.... ugh i don't know

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