Chapter 9

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Once she had regained her composure, Severus had led Hermione through the black door. The illusory Spiral, the gateway to Mysteries, stood before them.

Hermione was enthralled at the sight of the many doors circling around a central hub, the Spiral, that seemed to hang in the void of space. Hermione noticed the modern changes and twists that brought the Spiral into the 21st century. It was leaner, meaner, sleek and modern.

He feet felt as if they stood on solid ground. But that ground was not visible which gave Hermione a bit of a queasy tummy as it had all those years ago. Severus leant in, speaking into her ear which sent a wonderful shiver down her spine,

"You'll get used to the invisible floor...eventually."

He continued,

"There are four Divisions within the Department of Mysteries. Your Division, Intangibles, encompasses three sections, Thought, Memory, Love."

They approached the first door. Severus raised his right hand. Hermione reflected back on DADA class and watching Professor Snape draw his wand from his left sleeve and assume the fighting stance, wand at the ready in his right hand. It was a trivial revelation that Hermione wasn't sure she knew: Severus was right handed.

"Accio Intangibles".

The doors moved along the Spiral. As one door passed it disappeared to take its position at the end of the line at the base of the Spiral. A flash of recollection brought back Hermione's first and only encounter with Mysteries - until now. She remembered the Spiral was more of a Circle back then which made the doors changing positions all the more emesis-inducing.

The Spiral stopped. The door stood ominous and still with an ancient rune etched in its center.

"Reveal," Severus waved his hand and the rune transformed into a word, Intangibles.

"Naturally in time you will recognize each door's rune immediately or simply use the Revelio charm. I suspect, however, you may already be proficient in Runes."

Severus arched an eyebrow in a silent request for affirmation.

Hermione gave a slight nod to confirm Severus' suspicion. She was inwardly in knots at what she perceived to be his acquaintance with her other studies outside Potions. At Hogwarts, Professor Snape didn't seem to care about anyone or anything outside of Potions. She mused on his indisputable ability to compartmentalize and to, currently, separate professional from personal, slipping seamlessly, at times, from Professor Snape to Severus.

Acknowledging her avouchment with a nod of his own Severus continued,

"You will only be allowed entrance to your own Division unless otherwise authorized. By the way, the position of the doors change not only each time a door is opened and or closed but also on command."

Hermione grimaced as images of the battle in Mysteries 12 years ago flash in her mind. She drew in some calming breaths and the angst quieted,

"Yes, I remember that part."

Severus pulled a folder out of thin air handing it to Hermione. Hermione again stood in awe at the absolute control he had over his magic and the power Severus possessed without using a wand...or a word. She promised herself, then and there, to practice her wandless magic with increased fervour.

"This folder gives an outline, a quick reference, for the Division, its sections, et cetera, et cetera. The main volume, with more extensive descriptions and responsibilities, is kept in your office."

Hermione smiled,

Her office?

Severus lightly pushed the door open and walked into a large circular library. It was empty but it was still too early for staff. In rebuilding Mysteries Severus had subdivided the clumsy conglomerate Library of old so that now each Division houses its own smaller library containing all source material relevant to that Division,

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