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Your birthday is supposed to be a wonderful day filled with presents and happiness but that has not been the case for the last few years, especially this year. Having lost both her parents in very little time, the last thing Daphne wanted to do was spend a birthday without them.

It definitely didn't help that she was spending it alone, her brothers were far to busy doing God knows what, leaving her to sit in a dirty old flat alone on her birthday.

After a few hours, she decided that enough was enough, she wasn't she going to spend her birthday sitting around doing nothing. She walked around for a while before making it to a pub called The Garrison. Having nothing better to do she walked inside the pub, the smell of cigarettes and whiskey hitting her almost immediately, you would think the smell would make her walk out before she even made it inside but she was far to used to the smell for it to bother her. Sitting down at the bar, she turned to the man standing on the other side of it, who hadn't noticed her yet.

"Excuse me sir? Can I please have a glass of Irish whiskey?" She asked the man.

"Of course" he says making her drink "may I ask what a pretty woman like yourself is doing in a pub all alone?" He asks handing her the glass.

She takes out a cigarette, lighting it before answering his question. "I was supposed to be spending today with my brothers but they never showed up, even though one of them live in the same flat as me" she laughs at the end, thinking about the excuse Simon will probably tell her later.

"What's so special about today?" He asks.

"Well you see, today is my 22nd birthday" she smiles at him.

"Congratulations, have the next drink on the house why don't you" he says smiling back at her before someone yelled Harry from across the bar making him go over to the other man. Maybe this place isn't as bad as she originally thought, at least the people don't seem to be.

She can't stop thinking about how fun it most be working in a place like this, spending the day laughing at drunk people doing dumb things. It doesn't take long for her to finish her drink, making her look for the man from before.

"Excuse me Harry, was it?" She calls out to him when he walks by her.

"Yeah, what is it love?" He asks.

"Are you by any chance looking for a barmaid? I just moved here and I'm in desperate need of a job" she asks.

"I am but your far you pretty for a job like that, the men will have you up against the wall before you know it" he says.

"Well they can try but they will quickly regret it" she says, noticing how he doesn't look convinced yet she continues "please Harry, just for a while till I can find another job" she pleads.

"Fine but the second something better comes up, you take it okay?" He says.

"Deal" she says getting up from her chair and shaking his hand "my names Daphne by the way, thought it might be a good idea for you to know since your my boss now" she says before walking out of the pub.

Author's note:
Hope you all like the first chapter (if you can even call it that) of my book. Sorry it's so short, it's been a while since I've been on this app, let alone written something on it. Anyways I promise to try and actually finish this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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