She Ran...

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She Ran Away From Him Crying
Tears in her eyes blinding
She knew the goal was surviving
A piece of her was dying
Running with no direction
Heart got a lethal injection
Challenged all her convictions
Wanna scream all of her objections
She said
"I'm happy for you too"
as she ran farther
Into the Forrest of the unknown
The darkness grew larger as she groaned
Praying to our father that she wanted to turn into stone
to make the ache stop
See you space Cowboy...BANG!
She on her bebop
Stronger than cowards way out
No doubt don't speak
She laughed at the notion
Thought alone tickled her pink
Still she dealt with sleepless nights and
Was Impulsively sightless
She couldn't clear those eyelids
looking for any answers
A confirmation, affirmation, to guide her
To her next destination.

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