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(quick -recap)
Everything is back to normal between izuku and kaminari with their fight and somewhat help from bakugo. And they're caught by their homeroom teacher "ShoutaAizawa".

Kacchan don't !!
Leave me please .., it's not my fault.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Leave meeeee...

(Explosion right into the face of victim).

Nerd ??? Hey nerd ?? Wake up. Our stop is here..

H-huh ? Is it ?


(Why did I think of that particular memory now ?)
Izuku was buried in his thought as he and bakugo were going to his home,To meet hizashi (izuku's father) and the elder bakugo's were also invited.

As for the fight between izuku and kaminari , the homeroom teacher Eraser head had given them house-arrest but they got an exception to go  because bakugo's explaination was convincing and to Eraserhead midoriya was a special case to him.

They were walking down the same path as they did in their middle school or rather their whole life but this time they were walking side by side .
Bakugo was walking rather fast than usual and izuku trying to keep with his pace.

When they got closer to izuku's house the park came into view in the side.The park were izuku and bakugo used play as kids or where izuku was bullied by bakugo and his Lackeys.
Izuku got slower as they got closer to the park, the memory of izuku's came running to his mind of how he used to get beaten because of his quirklessness.

Izuku got slower and was staring at the park, bakugo who noticed izuku was not by his side looked back and saw izuku staring at the same park.
Bakugo shouted - "Move your damn legs nerd!!!
My folks will scold me for  making you late ...

Izuku says shakingly "O-okay Kacchan "..(runs up to bakugo)

They are at the front door of izuku's apartment. Neither of them trying to knock on the door hoping the other well do it.

5 minutes later...

Bakugo - NERD.. Have you installed automatic door opening system at your house ?(glaring at him).

Izuku was quick to respond "No Kacchan . It's like any other normal door. What did you think that ?(visible confusion)

Bakugo smacked the back of izuku's head and said "Then knock on this Damn door NERD...

Izuku without wasting any time knocks on the door only to be welcomed by the elder bakugo 
named Mitsuki bakugo.

Mitsuki glared at her son while welcoming izuku and him.
They both entered and followed the elder bakugo to the living room.

When they entered the living room , bakugo quickly noticed the seriousness in the area.
Izuku on the otherhand was examining the room , he saw his mother sitting on the far right corner of the sofa and uncle masaru on the single seater couch in the left . And then his eyes darted towards the person sitting in the couch opposite to masaru she closer to his mother.

Hizashi midoriya
The guy had same freckles as izuku and the similar smile but not as bright as izuku. His hair was black instead of green and he wore a white two piece suit.
The said man stood up and smiled widely walking upto izuku .

Hizashi - My..My. how big you have grown my Boy?

He embraced izuku for a hug but the latter did not return it.

Mitsuki intervened when she saw the uneasiness in izuku.

Mitsuki - katsuki ... Why were you late ??

But before katsuki can reply , hizashi spoke " Oh.. katsuki is here too?(trying to give him a hug too).

The younger bakugo stopped him in midway.
Katsuki - NOPE
I am not hugger ,I don't need it .

Masaru facepalmed at his son's usual behaviour. Mitsuki glared at her son silently.

Inko stood up saying"let me bring snacks for you guys". Mitsuki followed suite.

Izuku and katsuki took their seats .
The room was filled with silence only the the sound of clanking of dishes can be heard.
Masaru tried to initiate a conversation.
Him - So katsuki , how's school ?

Katsuki replied quickly"yeah, it's going good, we got our provisional licence few weeks ago".(trying to suppress his urge to curse).

Hizashi ears perked up hearing this saying"that's good , you two will be fine heroes .

Izuku was silent all this time but his mind was running a mile in s minute.
(Inside Izuku's mind)
Why did he come now ? Is it because he felt guilty for abandoning his family? But why now ? Because I have quirk? That now I am equal to  everyone? Did mom tell him about my quirk? Or did he see the sports festival?but why now? Sports festival 4 months ago . Was he scared that mom won't see him ? Was he in guilt ? What is his reason for coming here ??

Suddenly he felt a trap on his shoulder. He looked at that direction and saw katsuki  giving him amused look.

Izuku rubbing his with his index finger said"S-Sorry-y, I go off like that sometimes..

Hizashi was quick to reply"No problem. My Boy, I used to do that too when I was younger".

But katsuki was confused as well that why did he come now. of all times,that he should be here and wasn't to support his family .
Katsuki Without a sweat bluntly asked"why are you here anyway ?

Izuku and masaru gasped at this question.
Before hizashi  could reply, inko and mitsuki came with snacks and cold drinks.
Mitsuki - let's talk while having something . Shall we?

Soon the conversation drifted from seriousness to laughter of joy.
Mitsuki and inko talked about izuku and katsuki's childhood . Reliving the memories of how they used to play together
Hizashi giving amused looks to the mentioned boys and they keeping their head down in embarrassment.

After an hour or two hizashi spoke loudly "I have a proposal to make".
That got the attention of the two boys as well the elders.
Hizashi - Inko ,I am sorry i was not here when you and izuku needed me, but now my  work is all settled there .

Inko baffled by the sudden apology but kept her composure.
-and what's that proposal ?

Izuku and the bakugos  holding their breath as hizashi was sweating hard.

Hizashi - Come with me to California , we will live together there as a FAMILY!!!. (Hoping she say yes).

The bakugos:

All at once - WHAT ????

And that's it. Hope you liked it. Also I don't know  where hizashi works so I chose at random. Next chapter will have some izujiro moments.
I will try to make next chapter ..

Again , thank you for reading the fanfic of an unintresting teenage guy.
And I will be giving names of next chapter now.The next chapter will be


Until then.

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