The New Girl

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" Did you guys hear about the new girl?, she used to be in Beuxbatons! ", said Ron Weasley to everyone in the gryffindor table. " A new girl huh?" said Draco Malfoy in his head while passing the table. "They say she looks beautiful" - Seamus Finnigan. "Woahhh" i wonder if she's smart" -Hermione Granger.

"she's coming tomorrow" - Ginny Weasley 

The day passed with people talking about this beautiful girl. soon, the news and gossip reached the Slytherin common room which annoyed Draco much.

Pansy: she sounds annoying, I bet she isn't even that pretty.

Blaise: Oh shut up Parkinson, you haven't even met her yet.

Draco: i swear to God if you both don't shut up.

Blaise: what's with the mood Malfoy

"It's all so stupid, the whole school buzzing for one person."
Draco said coldly.

He left the common room and went to his dorm. 

Dracos pov:

ugh, its so annoying. If they're saying shes beautiful, then maybe i can try and use her for her body. 


"let's play this game then"

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