Chapter 1 the accident..

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Sebastian's POV

I'll tell you how it started... The very beginning...

journal entry 


It was a normal day, well for me at least. I walked to school. Green coat, grey shirt, shitty shoes. I walked into the school's gates. Jason and his group were waiting for me, I was punched kicked, humiliated, but the teachers broke it. Every day was like this... I've always gone to the school about this but they never listen. They left me on round bleeding. Logan notices me on the ground, Logan is a kind soul. Amilia comforted me, I got up and started the day with cuts and bruises...

Time skip (after school)

I came home. Mum's passed out on the lounge again...

3rd POV

breaking news!!

today cannibals were on the loose!!.... "but.. they look like zombies?" Sebastian thought. they had white dull eyes but this goo was coming out of their mouths... some had black, white and red... Sebastian looks out the window "AHHHHHHHH" he saw someone get bit. Sebastian was shocked, but they began to shake, you could hear their bones cracking and their veins turning a dark blue. Sebastian noticed their clothes denigrating like ashes. their body going to a smooth and fluffy, and their eyes and fully white, fingers turning to claws. it turned around and saw Sebastian. Sebastian froze in place, his vision going blurry, it was getting harder to breathe. the creature began breaking the window shattering the glass and running to him. BANG !! he looks up, face covered in blood. He saw Joey outside the window, with a gun in his hand.

They looked at each other but then Joey ran ahead and started to shoot more of those... Things...

Sebastian tried to wake his mum. "MUM!! WAKE UP!!" but... then her bones cracked and twisted up and turned into a massive smiley monster I saw she was gone...  Sebastian grabbed the nearest knife and stabbed it in the neck. it screamed and ran away. Sebastian looked at his hands covered in blood. shaking, he grabbed a bag and packed bandages, 2 knives and some food. He ran out the door, dead bodies everywhere Sebastian looked. He was worried he didn't see Logan or Amilia but he just ran and ran. 

he found himself on an old road leading to an abandoned museum. Turns out other people found it too. there was a woman, she stood up and began to tell a speech. 

" People gather around! , we need to fortify the area and this museum!. Any resources that are found will be kept in a locked room! if you have weapons to spare, give them to the others who need it!"  

she had a patch on her jacket it looked like an army symbol of some sort. after that speech, people started to gather materials and fortify the museum. 

5 months later


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