Chapter 2

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"She was a Gemine."

A Gemine. Human shimmer on the outside with an ethereal form and Phoenix blood hidden beneath. Their real body was too damaging to the human eye and would cause their retinas to disintegrate. They were known by their reputation as one of the most gentle races in existence but when threatened or endangered, to have the most fierce temper with unmatched power.

Reeling with disbelief Deci barely heard the rest of what her dad said. "You remind me of her everyday. So many similarities between the two of you; you hold your emotions in your eyes like she did and the passion you have for everything you do." He smiled softly as he gazed adoringly at his daughter. Before his fading eyes, her features swirled and morphed into a glowing smile and golden eyes. She reached out a glowing arm and placed her hand over his chest. The pain inside seemed to ease and breathing became a little easier. He grasped her hand with his.


"My darling." Perfectly formed lips whispered perfectly formed words.

"I love you." His eyes glazed over and his smile froze in place.

"I love you, forever."


"Still not figured out what it does then." Tom Kennedy prodded the glowing cylinder tentatively while James scowled beside him.

"Stop playing with it." He said, slapping Tom's hand away. James' scowl deepened into a thoughtful frown, one arm crossed over his chest and a hand poised under his chin. "What do you think Gem? Think it's something a little dangerous?"

Across the room, Deci twirled Fuerza in her right hand absentmindedly. Her mind was still focused on the funny feeling from the day before. The day she first felt her powers was the day after her dad died. Pain and loss built up fervently until she couldn't hold it in any more. Not only did she get the shock of a lifetime but she'd burnt a substantially large hole through the sofa too. She knew the familiar tingle that spread through her body before the flames came through and she knew how time seemed to slow before it froze but this, this was new. It was as if the skin was about to melt from her bones.

You know the feeling you get on a rollercoaster when it suddenly dips down and your stomach seems to fall out your body? Her dad's death had left her with that feeling and even three hours later it hadn't gone away. Sat on the sofa facing the garden, Deci's eyes hadn't left the hydrangea bush. She watched a squirrel circle it, pausing occasionally to admire the spring flowers.

The cushion next to her dipped slightly and her peripheral picked up her best friend before she felt his hand on her leg. She knew he was battling between wanting to say something and wanting to leave her alone. He settled for an uncomfortable silence. The two had gone through loss before but not on this scale, this was insurmountable.

"You're all I've got."

Tom blinked in surprise, the sudden sound almost causing him to jump. Deci's eyes still hadn't moved.

"You're all I've got." She repeated. His grip on her leg tightened.

"You're all I've got." And she cried. She cried for the first time since leaving her dad's bed. Her body shook and trembled as she cried, her lungs barely able to catch enough breath. Tom's arms moved to encircle her, giving her an embrace to fall into.

Her body was on fire. The falling feeling in her stomach replaced with a flame that grew into an out of control explosion. It swiftly made its way outwards, spreading through her limbs and consuming every single inch. Every cell, ever fibre raged. Through the ringing in her ears she was vaguely aware of her cries turning to screams as the pain became unbearable. Somewhere through the heat and noise she saw Tom scramble away from her, mouth open but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Flames poked through her flesh, sprouting out of every pore and orifice of her body. She could feel her skin split and slice like sharp scissors through paper.

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