Chapter 5

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Draco Malfoy was exploring the Hogwarts express to see who had returned, along with himself, for their 8th year at the historic school when he passed a compartment which he thought was empty. He slid the glass door open and seated himself by the cold, frosted window.

He remained there for a few minutes as the great scarlet train plummeted through the desolate marshland. He heard a small grunt and whipped around to find a girl about his age with bushy Brown hair dressed in blue denim jeans and a pink and white striped polo shirt.  "Excuse me, Malfoy, but this is my compartment so unless you wanted something could you kindly shove off!" Snided Hermione Granger.

"Sorry MUDBLOOD!" And with that Draco Malfoy stomped from the compartment slamming the glass door behind him.

The rest of the journey for Hermione was pleasant she read a few books, brought a few cauldron cakes off the trolley lady and watched the towns and fields go by. Draco Malfoy on the other hand had the worst journey to Hogwarts he had ever had. Nobody had accompanied him in his compartment and whenever somebody walked past his compartment they darted past and didn't bother looking in, even the trolley lady completly ignored his request for two cauldron cakes and a liquorice wand.

He sighed deeply and decided to write a letter to his mother;

My dearest mother,

I hope your ok, I know that I've only been gone from you for a few hours but I really am concerned about you. I had a run in with the mudblood Granger earlier but don't worry I'll deal with her,  you can come to Hogwarts whenever you want Mcgonnagal won't mind,  she's a bit of a pushover anyway see you soon I hope
Love Draco

He read it and retread it and finally sent it off using his new owl potter. Once he had disappeared Draco sat down with a great sign and pondered about what reaction his return to school would generate from the teachers.

He felt like Tom Riddle...

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