Fourteenth Announcement

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Omg, plz forgive me! I haven't updated for the longest time, but my life has been hell for the past few months. I am so, so, so sorry for being so fucking late with the update. I have been struggling so hard trying to write because I haven't been in the right mind set lately and I really don't want to give you guys some half assed bullshit that I could just write. There is no passion or life in that! It's just a bunch of words on a screen. Writing is all about the feeling someone puts into the book, into the words they write/type out. I just want to give you something that you guys will enjoy reading, something that gets into your heart and you can relate. I just hope you can forgive me about this, it's just, really bad family problems that won't get better and I hope you guys understand. I love you all, you guys are the reason I still continue to write and the reason I still have any passion about it anymore. :)

Love y'all~

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