Mastermind Plans

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Sadie's pov
There was no recovery now. 5 months without a stand up how would Sydney and I survive. The popular girl had a mastermind plan and I now knew it. Tommorow being the weekend Sydney and I were having a sleep over at Mazie's house. Before going Sydney's mom dropped me off at my house. I grabbed my journal and cloths.

I raced back downstairs and waved my family, bye. I went back into the car even though Mazie lives 1 block away, Sydney's mom insisted we drove with her since her job interview is 4 blocks down from Mazies house. Once we for there I knocked on the door . Mazies mother came out inviting us in.

I raced Sydney to Mazies room. Once we got there( I won) I sat next to Mazie. She waved. " hey guys, so Sadie where the mastermind you were talking about. We sat on the carpet. " listen the pop girl put her leg put so you could trip, Mazie you were going to run fast so you would have fell hard and harmed your leg"

" when she did this she knew how desperate Sydeny and I are without u" I Said. " I am not desperate" Sydney said. " shut up" I said laughing. " once she got rid of you we would have nobody to stand up for us" I finished. They all nodded their head.
" so tommorw we have to act coolant like we can survive wit our u" I said. Sydney looked more happy and smiled. "So during prom we have to show up and be good" Sydney said. I shook my head. Sydney was to interested did she really care about Mazie

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