Chapter Nineteen

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When he finally looked at his watch it was after midnight, " Wow, it's pretty late, I can't believe we've been talking for so long." He had been completely involved in finding out everything about her. She stood quickly from the bench where they had been sitting, almost like she was embarrassed that she had stayed there so long. " I  better go, I'm sure Nick and Michelle are probably worried about me." She fidgeted nervously with her hair. He took her arm, " The hotel is this way." He motioned toward the next street over. They walked  along on silence, they both had revealed almost their whole life story in a matter of a few hours, which was a little out of the ordinary for Efe.  He had never been much of a talker, not about his personal life anyway, but she had brought our a different side of him. He glanced her way, just to make sure he wouldn't forget each detail of her face, the shininess of her hair, and those eyes, how could he forget them. 

She caught him looking at her and smiled, " Do I have something on my face, if I do then please wipe it off." She blushed, looking down at the street. He didn't look away, " No, I'm just looking, trying to memorize it, but what I see can't be wiped off." His eyes delved deeper into hers, until she finally turned her head. He had always known what to say to a woman, it just came naturally, but this time it was different, he was nervous, unsure of himself. He knew he wanted to see her again tomorrow, but the words were stuck in his throat, and when they did come out, they came out bluntly and not very sincere. " Carolina, if you have nothing else to do tomorrow, I guess we could go sightseeing, or maybe hit the beach." He stammered, so totally unlike him. He closed his eyes, and gave himself a talking to, " You better get it together or she's going to think your nothing but a loser." She smiled back at him, " We'll see, we really need to see about our jobs, probably first thing In the morning, but after that I'm free." 

The  ride in the elevator to the second floor for her room, ended much to quick, as the doors opened and she stepped out, Efe stammered " It's been fun, I really enjoyed spending time with you, so tomorrow....Uhh, afternoon." She smiled, " Absolutely, I'm already looking forward to it." She replied as the door started to shut. That instant he realized that they hadn't exchanged phone numbers, he quickly hit the open button on the elevator, "Wait, I didn't get your number, I'll need to call you, or you'll need to call me." She laughed, and the sound made him shudder, it was so pure and warm, it almost made him tingle. " You're right, here put  your number in my phone, and I'll call you when I get in my room, so you can have mine, ok." She gave him a wink, as she handed him the phone.. " There you go, you have mine, and I expect a call in a few minutes." He gave her that half smile and a little Divit charm. She started off towards her room, looking back and waving at him as she got to her door. 

The elevator door closed and Efe took his fist and beat it against the wall of the elevator, " What is wrong with you man, you almost made a fool out of yourself,....what do you mean, almost, I think you did." He shout in his head. He opened the door to his room and plopped down on the bed, his head  full of her, the way she laughed, her eyes, that hair. His phone rang and he answered it quickly, " Hello Carolina, did call, I was afraid you wouldn't. She sighed, " Of course I called, ok now you have my number, when we are free I'll call. See you then" he looked at the phone in his hand, he  really didn't know how he would be able to wait until tomorrow to see her again. Even the sound of her voice was recorded in his brain, this woman had definitely entered his mind and he didn't want to let her go. But what if she didn't feel the same way, he knew he had to be more himself tomorrow, that confident and dynamic person he had always been. Not this person he was tonight, tripping and stuttering over his own words, he had to have that Divit charisma.  He fell asleep hearing that laugh repeating in his head. 

A loud knock on the door brought him up off the bed, " Efe, are you up, come on man, it's almost noon, let me in." He jumped up and opened the door, " Why did you let me sleep so late, damn." He grabbed his phone to make sure he hadn't missed her call. Kadir shook his head, " Come on let's go get something to eat, and check out the town." Where were you last night," Kadir smiled looking around, "I expected to see a woman in your room this morning." Efe shot him a look, " I don't always have a woman in my room. I did meet a woman, but this one's not a one night stand kind of woman." He replied, his face lighting up. Kadir looked at him, amazed at what he had said, "What, Efe Divit met a woman and she refused to come back to his room." He teased him. Efe shook his head, " No, you got it all wrong little brother,...she didn't refuse, I just didn't ask her." Efe explained as he rushed around to get ready. He grabbed his clothes, " Look Kadir I've got to get ready, so you're on your own today." He wrinkled up his forehead, " What do you mean, where are you off to today."  Efe smiled, " I'm spending the afternoon with Ms. Carolina Munro, from Massachusetts, and don't you dare make fun of me punk." He rushed into the bathroom to get ready, leaving Kadir standing there with his mouth hanging open.

Carolina and her friends had filled out all the necessary papers and answered all their questions,  leaving there pretty confident they had gotten the job. They manager told them he would let them know the next day, but they were very good candidates. As they headed back to the hotel, she called Efe, her two friends smiled at each other, shocked that she had found someone so far away from home. But happy that she could finally move on from that disastrous affair  that  had broken her heart. Michelle knew the attraction between the two at dinner last night was bound to turn into something. The way he looked at her was a lot more than a casual friends that had just met. 

"Efe, we're through a the resort, hey, let's go to the beach, it's so hot I think that's what I want to do. Is that ok with you." He welcomed her voice, like a breath of fresh air, blowing gently over his body. He felt weak inside, but it was a feeling that excited him, " Whatever your heart desires." He answered, meaning every word. 

Yes, excited, that was the word. He was excited to be with her....his mind racing at the thought

His father had explained this feeling he had about his mother to him one time as, "feeling as light as a feather, yet stronger than he ever been."   

"Now I think I know what he meant"......

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