The start of a good thing.

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The start of a good thing, they built themselves up enough to start dating and growing together watching life move with them both at the same time which to all is amazing to live with and notice.

The progression of each other was healthy, Brilliantly experienced events with all the goods to follow through in time. Showing each other love was a challenge everyone changes day by day and moods will follow on them changes some days they would walk up both wanting hugs and love but some days one would wake up wanting hugs and love and the other still giving hugs but wanting to be left for a bit and have there own time. Learning these noticeable challenges is a progression on mentally note taking and remembering but at the beginning it was mostly the same mood towards each other growing there bond stronger than anything else could.

Going out places, going on long walks together and exploring new places even as simple as a brand new store or shopping mall and taking hundreds of photo's together of all the happy moments and cheerful events from a cool bag ground, a goofy couple selfie to a perfectly executed couple photo taking by friends or family in the moment of a event or simple as a surprise photograph someone takes of them. Planning days out or even planning dates, simple major highlights of any relationship.

Everything seems perfect for 3 to 4 months then suddenly things start changing only slight changes by the partner but its sadly major small sections which are noticeable maybe not by the other partner but friends of both or one of them, start seeing them change how they act around certain people or individuals. Small stuff that shows there changing but not in front of there partner things that others would consider worrying and not very nice to the partner in the case of things.

The mood changes drastically and is noticeable to all involved or simple lingering around a lot of which means its slowly turning unhealthy but they try and try to please even though it in the long run it is damaging. The person in this example is female, she tried and tried to keep him happy after noticing everything that changed even the slight changes become alight at this point, the lights turned amber again but where stuck going from amber to green due tot the events of the male.

The relationship changed less photo's got taken, less memories where made, less events where planed and dates where practically where a lost topic. But the pain was hitting harder and harder they where struggling in pain trying to figure out what they done wrong but in the major picture of events it was not them who caused the relationship to fault or go distant. Due to this the relationship unfortunately slowly but painfully ended and suddenly the perfect person vanished and all the engine stopped, the green lights changed to red instantly and everything seemed to go dark and quite but the thoughts where loud and obvious.

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