Dumbasses in Love

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Kou stared at the chalkboard, he saw his teacher's hand move on the board but was so lost in thought, that it all looked like a bunch of scribbles. He yawned stretching his arms and layed his head on the desk. Disturbed immediately by his friend Mitsuba who sat to the left of him throwing at him some crumpled up paper. But he payed no attention to him and closed his drooping eyes. Dozing off to sleep in just a matter of seconds.

And after what felt like only a few seconds he was awoken by Mitsuba poking his head rapidly like he wanted to get the best clicker speed. Opening his eyes to see Mitsuba starring holes into his head.

Raising himself from the desk dizzly he put his hands up to his face to hold hinself up. Yawning as Mitsuba scolded for the next 5 minutes that felt more like 5 hours.

And finally after his friend finished he got up and walked to lunch, however due to the time that they wasted in the class room, the hallways weren't crowded with people. And Kou walked lost in his daydreams before the smaller photographer bumped lightly into him.

Kou surprised by the sudden action immediately responded, " Do you need something Mitsuba?"

"You look awful Minamoto~", Mitsuba teased while sipping some peach juice, "I bet you stayed up all night thinking about me~".

"You wish", Kou pushed the other away. But despite it being like being pushed by the weakest plushie in the world Mitsuba began his long story on how awful Kou was and how privileged he was to be friends with the great Mitsuba. The two bantering on and on, still in the hallways forgetting all about lunch until it was time for class once again. The two parting ways as they didn't share science with one another, both making their ways to their respective classrooms.

Kou entered and took his stuff out, and upon sitting down cross crossed on his chair he noticed Amane who starred him down.

"Huff", Kou felt his face get red but tried to brush it off and remain cool, "Do you need something?". He starred at the chocolate haired boy feeling his cheeks get hotter.

"Yeah . . .", Amane replied as he rested the side of his face on his hand, a smirk plastered on.

Kou felt time stop and the red on his face only grew more at the other's smile.

"You~", Amane finally finished.

"HUH?!," Kou's face now the same color as a tomato, "You- your- . . So stupid!", Kou covered his face with his hand in embarrassment turning his view away into the other side of the room, "And annoying..."

Amane chuckled at the blond trying to hide it (poorly may I add), "Uh huh~", Amane remarked back before turning his attention to the teacher who walked in.

Kou sighed embarrassed lowering his hand from his face and looked at Amanes' brother in front of him who was busy drawing. The drawing seemingly being Mitsuba as a dog with Tsukasa having him on a leash excitedly. And he figured that, that was one of the drawings that Mitsuba remarked to when he said Tsukasa saw him as more of a pet than a "friend".

And now with the teacher in class everyone or at least most people had their attention turned to the board, and began writing whatever the teach put down. Kou included although it was a bit difficult to see what the teacher was putting as Tsukasa couldn't seem but help to constantly move himself around which effectively blocked Kou's view.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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