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Warning many spelling errors!!!!!


 Some stories start out with the perfect life and some stories start out with desire but this story starts out with a Queen Bee named Tammy Sue and a bad boy named Alec Jones. My life is nothing extrordinary but not like you would know that.

 Okay, let's start over. My name is Paris Harper and I live in the city of New York, well now I do, have you ever heard that living in a city is a big hasle? Well, I definetly agree with that logic but the only reason why is because we just moved hear from Ohio. My mom says that after I get used to it it will get easier for me.

That is not going to happen.

 I go to a very popular school but I guess you can call me a nerd be cause I only got in because of a scholarship. It sounds like I am in chollege but that is not untill three years just to inform you. I am a softmore in high school and quit frankly I'm not very popular myself but my neibor Hannah is actualy high in the food chain while me I would prabably be at the end not that I'm ugly. If I was not quit as smart as I am I would definetly be at the top of the food chain or so I think and all the guys that I pass on the streat and at the mall. At lest I have one friend if I could even call Hannah that.

 Well, It was nice to talk to you all but I have my first day of school tomarrow, so I an going to go to bed. Good night........Zzzzzzzz........

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