'Sayaka Igarashi'

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It was about two years ago,
A girl proposed to be the council secretary,
A book-smart beauty whom you may know
By the name of Sayaka Igarashi;
And this girl lived with no other thought
Than to be number one and over achieve.

I was young and she was younger,
In this academy where I began my hierarchy:
But she grasped my interest that was more than merely an interest—
I and my secretary,
She stood to my right as I built my aquarium
The students my fishes yet my favorite was she.

And at that time, long ago,
Her rationale captivated me,
This could be interesting, I thought
My secretary has to be no one but you, Sayaka Igarashi;
Although it was my sister who interviewed her
As she was disguised as me,
Somehow Sayaka knew
The woman sitting before her was not Kirari.

These feelings are so unfamiliar
How ever will I express them to my secretary—
Yes!—I will build a tower (filled with logic,
Oh, how romantic that would be!)
And so I got to work immediately that night,
The tower must be flawless for my Sayaka Igarashi.

Her tower is now built purely out of love
For her, from me—
A gamble has come to be—
She is facing the beaming moon above,
When she suddenly turns towards me
And says "President, you are my one true love."
From five stories falls Sayaka Igarashi

For I am not as cold as I seem, I follow after the woman of my dreams
Once more I hold my Sayaka Igarashi;
As we fall together, we fall safely on our side
Horrified my darling—my darling—cries, "You could've died!"
I explain that she is the logical girl for me,
Of course it mustn't be anyone but Sayaka Igarashi.

Sayaka Igarashi - Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's 'Anabelle Lee'Where stories live. Discover now