Ch 1- The Project

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Luz' Pov -
I woke up feeling really energized. Today was something I always waited to do since I enrolled in Hexide and it's my first time doing a parter project in that class too. Since Eda was too busy sleeping, I decided not to bother her and took myself to school. As I made it to the entrance I couldn't control my excitement but I had to stay calm and not draw too much attention on myself.

As I walk in I saw Willow, Gus, and Amity near our lockers. Gus was showing Amity and Willow his new illusion spell he's been working on. They were probably waiting for me, "Hey, guys!" I said excitedly while running towards them with my arms wide open for a hug, "Luz!" They all said in unison as ran towards me with wide arms too. We all hugged and broke it off but laughed on how we acted.

"So Luz, why are you really excited? You can't even control on how much you're excited about" Willow asked with a smile since she noticed how much I was moving.

"Yeah why are you excited? What's happening that's making you feel excited" Gus asked with his "serious" face wanting to know what's happening today.

"Well since you guys asked, Boscha and I are doing a project together in the potion class and it's my first time doing a project in that class" I told them and Amity perked up when said project, " What kind a project is it?" She asked

"Oh it's a potion project. Boscha and I have to make a potion that could impress the potion teacher, it can anything as long as it impresses her." I explained to her, " I just need to find Boscha first so we can talk about the project together" I said looking around my surroundings in case I saw her, " Oh there she is. Heyyy Boscha!!" I said in excitement while waving and jumping to grab her attention. She was talking with Skara about something but stopped when she saw me. She said something to Skara and walked towards us.

"Luz, maybe it's better if you walked towards her and not bring her here" Willow nervously said while hiding behind Gus, " But why, she's nice. She doesn't bite...unless to provoke her" I whispered the last sentence so I don't worry her.

"No it's not that Luz" Amity said as she looked at Willow but Amity smirked at her. I was really confused but I didn't say anything about it, " Well what is it then?" Gus picked up with what Amity was trying to say and smiled, " looks like my Flyer Derby captain likes the Grugby captain" he said as he playfully teased her.

"WHAT!! NO I DON'T!!" She said and she playfully pushed Gus, he laughed at her actions, "Hey Luz, you needed me right?" Boscha asked interrupting what was going on.

"Oh yeah I wanted to ask you something for the project"

"Oh don't worry about that, I found the perfect potion that should impress our potion teacher" she said with a smile. She was probably proud that she help with someone, " I just need one thing from Willow. It should help with the potion we're making" Boscha said as she went towards Willow.

"Hey Willow, I need something from you" she asked her in a nice tone. She probably saw how nervous Willow was, " w-what is it y-you need" she stuttered a little with a faint blush on her face, " Well I need you to make me a Allium for our potion. Do you think you can cast one for me?" Boscha asked and she rubbed the back of her neck with a blush on her face.

I was confused about why Boscha asked Willow to make her a flower when I can cast flowers too, I'll asked her later if I don't forget, " Thanks Willow and Luz I'll see you later in class" Boscha said and she waved goodbye and walked towards her class.

"Willow you can stop gay panicking, she left" Amity said teasing her as Gus laughed with Amity, " Oh would you look at the time almost time for classes to start, well I'll see you guys at lunch. Bye!" Willow said as she ran to where her class was.

" She's not wrong it's almost time to go. See you guys at lunch!" Gus said as he grabbed his stuff and ran to his class

"Bye Gus!" Amity and I said in unison

"Well I'll see you at lunch mi amor" I said to Amity as I kiss her cheek and she turned red, " bye love have fun in your class" Amity said to me across the hallway, " I will hermosa" I said back as I saw her enter her class
Time skip to luz and Boscha's class

"Hey Bosch, I got the ingredients for the potion you asked for" I told Boscha while she was reading the potion book for our potion, " That's great Luz, bring them here on the table" she said pointing to where she wanted them on the table.

Our teacher let one of our partners get the stuff we needed for the potion so I volunteered to gather the ingredients for it while Boscha read the information for the potion we were making.

"Alright now we can start on making the potion" Boscha said as she placed the book down and we got working on the potion, " Oh Bosch I forgot to ask but what is this potion about" I asked as I was smashing down the ingredients for the potion.

" Well this potion is supposed to switch bodies with the person or animal you want to switch with for example if you and Amity bummed into each other while you had the potion in hand and it spilled on you and her then you will switch bodies with her" Boscha explained how it worked while I was handing her the smashed ingredients.

"Do you think this potion will impress our teacher?" I asked, "Well it impressed my parents so it'll impress her for sure" She said with a laugh at the end of her sentence.

" Alright it's almost done. All I need is the flower Willow made" she said as I handed her the flower. She smashed it with her hands and sprinkled the flower to the potion. It turned from lime green to a darkish yellow, " All we need to do is let it sit till tomorrow and it will work" she said as she placed it to the side of the table and we started cleaning our table, " Hey Boscha so if we accidentally spill the potion and someone or something switch bodies, is there a potion that would reverse it?" I asked as I started wiping the table.

"Don't worry Luz, I know a potion that would reverse that so if it happens, I know how to reverse it" she said with a smile revealing a little of her fangs which reminded me of Amity's fangs but Boscha's are sharper that hers.

"We have plenty of time till lunch starts and we basically finished the project" I said as I looked at the time, " Yeah that's true. So we can relax while it's lunch" Boscha said as she leaned back on her chair with her hands behind her head, " So how are things with you and Amity?" She asked as a fainted blush came across my face.

"It's going great Bosch. It's actually funny that I never noticed she liked me back" I said with a laugh at the end, " Haha yeah I remembered you were so oblivious, you still are but it's funny" Boscha said as she laughed with me. Minutes later we heard a buzzing noise coming from one of us, we both checked and realized that it was Boscha's scroll that made the noise, " Who's texting you Bosch?" I said with curiosity.

" It's Willow" she said with a little smile and blush plastered on her face

"Awww does the Grugby captain have a little crush on Willow" I said trying to tease her, " Yeah I do have a crush on her so what" she said as she crossed her hands and looked away from me with a blush taking over her face. I just laughed at her and placed my hand on her shoulder, " I wasn't trying to pick on you, I want to help you get with her." I said with a smile letting her know that my words are true.

She smiled back but later fell when she thought of something, " How are you going to do that?" She asked, " I don't know yet but I'll make it work" I told her making her relax a little, "You're a really good friend Luz" she said with a smile.

"I'll always be a good friend to my friends, even to my ex-bullies" I said smiling at her back

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